Is there one location where there's a complete listing of the sins of the WTBS?

by gubberningbody 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    I'm interested in gathering it all together in one place (or finding it gathered). I like lists where each element is footnoted, so a person can quickly scan each one and when they find one that interests them, they can drill down and see the arguments.

    • The Bible chronology for 1914 is wrong.
    • The "faithful and discreet slave" doctrine is wrong.
    • There was no governing body in the first century presiding in any authoritative manner over all the faithful.
    • The history of the WTBS has been manipulated purposefully to suit the agendas of those who want power.
    • The doctrines of the WTBS have not been faithful to the Bible, though they are hypocritically claimed to have been.
    • During the course of the history of the WTBS the organization has clearly made decisions which enhanced their power
    • and this so regardless of the effect on the individual. In all this an attempt to appear to be following the Bible
    • has been the key strategy.
    • Conscientious attempts by individuals to clarify Biblical reasoning on the part of the WTBS has been universally met with force.
  • alanv

    I think you need look no further than Ray Franz book Crisis of Conccience. All those subjects are covered and you can even get it online if you wish

  • gubberningbody

    I'm sorry, but I want a bulleted list and not a flowing artistic narrative.

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