Watch the speech in the first 3 minutes of this Michael Jackson Video: Childhood Stolen
by OnTheWayOut 9 Replies latest jw friends
Tragic. All I can say. His childhood was stolen from him like many of us who were raised in the witnesses. No Birthdays, no Christmas . I had a pretty normal family- but I'm sure he did not with all the fame and hangers on in his life. And then- throwing the JW childhood in as well ? It's no wonder he died young. Tragic
Found Sheep
peace!!! i think he was inocent!!
Broken Promises
Beautiful tribute.
"Human Nature" is one of my fave songs.
life is to short
That is really sad. I remember when I was in my mid teens and Michael was so looked up to in the "truth." I have heard from many that he visited Bethel and the young brothers went wild with him being there.
It is all so sad.
AK - Jeff
He has serious issues that came from the combination of Jw rearing and entertainment being his life early. I don't know if he did the things that he is accused of - no one knows. But it is clear that he lost his youth, and it seems to me he spent his entire life trying to get it back.
I have always loved his music.
I remember watching this speech when I was a teenager. At the time I thought, "How dare he say things like that. He knows what the truth is." Now, I watch it and it makes me so sad. I can actually relate to it instead of being critical. I've always been a big fan of mj. Even when I was at my most brainwashed I had a weird fascination with him. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he da'd? I could never understand why he gave up "the truth" for his career. Now I do.
Never believed he was guilty of anything but trying to make the world a better place - giving over 300 million to charities -- and if you listen closely, he was almost preaching the truth by way of his words in his music - some of the songs anyway -- even the Earth song seemed to be questioning why things are still going on even tho we were promised a paradise .. Beat It seemed to me to be what happened in the elders meeting when he was df's -- anyway thats my two cents -- love his music, always have -- got This is It DVD and have a lot of his cd's
Michael Jackson's childhood was taken on two counts, 1) being a J W & 2) being a star about the age of ten. His was not even the "normal" J W childhood. A tragic figure.
All J W kids (and I was one) suffer. They lack the normalcy of life. They grow up knowing that they are different. They are taught that their classmates are going to die at Armageddon. They cannot interact with others, cannot join youth groups like Scouts. They often lack social skills and do not mix well. That is in addition to missing out on fun things like Christmas and birthdays.
I only knew one dub who was brave enough to admit that she hated being excluded from the class for School Assembly and missing out on things, but she spoke for us all.
(Marking for Later)