Do we see the foretold Skoffers today?
Let's say, the Bible never existed! There never was a Messiah! that walked this earth. There was nowhere to look for anything better than what we have right now. At best, the last stop was the funeral parlor, and the coffin where we'd lay in until our burial. That's it! That's all there is! We end up, Boot's up. No hope for anything after that! It's all over! Done! No hope of a resurrection, because there really never was any Messiah that took away the sin of the World, that had brought on our death in the first place. We were simply brought into being, or born to die, in that hopeless condition. Lay the Bible aside, it doesn't exist! Imagine that in your mind. Someone explain to me, where do we find anything that gives us all any solid hope for the future?
Is there any Worldly Politician or Religious Leader that can point us to anything solid to believe in, that can prove beyond all doubt that they can show us a way for a better life than we have right now? Can give us tangible evidence that the way they direct us in will lead us to the best of a life posible? Better than anything we could ever even imagine in our minds?
There really isn't is there? Why? Because they are on the exact same road we all are on, isn't that correct? They all too will end up at that same funeral parlor tucked neatly in that coffin. Boot's Up! Dead! Done! Finished! Not able to help themselves any longer, muchless anyone else. That being true! Just where do we look for any hope for a better future? Is there absolutely no source that can show us there is a hope for a better future? That that hope is solidly grounded, on indisputable evidence?
Yes! There is one source! The one we'd laid aside! The one and only hope for all Mankind, the Bible! This Book that we just may lay aside as of no consequence is solidly grounded on indisputable evidence, but we, as individuals, must be willing to dig out that evidence, and give it a thorough examination. To prove to ourselves whether it is all true, or not.
Some individuals today when told this, laugh and scoff at the promises in the Bible, not knowing by doing that ridiculing are in actuality proving themselves the Bible to be true, so this Book they are laughing at is making fools out of them, but they arn't aware of even that much. Thousands of years in advance this Book, they are laughing at, foretold they would be on the scene now, in our last days doing that laughing. Take note of the following:
3 "First, be aware of this: scoffers will come in the last days to scoff, following their own lusts, 4 saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they have been since the beginning of creation."{2 Peter 3:3,4 HCSB} I wonder if they find that laughable?
Jude also had something to say about these ones and what their real problem was:
17 "But you, dear friends, remember the words foretold by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; 18 they told you, "In the end time there will be scoffers walking according to their own ungodly desires." 19 These people create divisions and are merely natural, not having the Spirit." {Jude 17-19 HCSBN}
These were the ones Jude said, created divisions, lacking the Holy Spirit, and because of that lack didn't even understand what they were laughing at. As it turned out, through the pen of Jude and Peter, Jehovah is laughing at them. Along with Jude and Peter, and myself, who were also laughing at them, by exposing them for all to see. They very Book they didn't believe, had foretold their presence, for our own day, two thousand years ago. One would think that would make believers out of them, in quick time.
What's this all about, you might be thinking? I put a Post on this Board to show a brand new life was on the horizon. It was my erffort to show all of you, that we do have a marvelous hope for the future. I supplied all the scriptures necessary to backup everything I was saying. It was done to encourage everyone on the Board. Some got the idea it was very funny, so decided they'd ridicule and skoff at what I'd written. This is just to show them, that Jehovah knew they'd be around, and he used the Book they didn't believe, to expose them and show them all; the big joke was really on them. Having no spirit, they are too blind to see that. So, carry on with your skoffing, scoffers. You were all foretold, so don't let me down. I need to see that! It's part of the composite sign of the coming of Christ into Kingdom Power. Wannabe