My Uber-dub sister came round to ask about some family business, in the conversation she said:
"..........of course she will have to wait for the new system to find out that we (JW's) were right"
She was referring to someone recently passed away who believed in a conventional Christian afterlife in heaven.
I asked "Do you still believe in the new system then ?" which started the ball rolling .
The problem is my sister has always been bloody annoying, everybody, even her own children say "she just has to be right"
So the conversation ran the gamut of Rutherford, and to a degree Russell, inventing the paradise earth idea and it not being in scripture,to the fact that I did not believe Noah was a literal person etc etc.
Oh boy, she will go back to her Uber-Elder husband and report our conversation, so I may get some flack. I told her too, that she only believes what she is told to believe, that the Watchtower will publish a new understanding of the generation , for the sixth time, and she will believe it.
I left her with the good old "The truth will stand up to any scrutiny, do not be afraid to examine what you believe"
She wont though, she has nearly seventy years invested in that silly cult, too much to let go of, she could not handle it.
It is just that a few weeks ago I said, to my wife and non-witness family, I would no longer let it pass when dubs come out with a load of bollocks, so I could not let her smug remark about being "right" pass without comment.
If the brown stuff hits the fan please duck my friends,like me, you have had enough of that thrown at you in the past.