How tolerant of diversity are you and I really?

by gubberningbody 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    I ask myself that question from time to time and I find a disturbing trend towards intolerance whenever I'm feeling poor in some area.

    When I think of the "poor in spirit", I don't think happy, I think instead of envy and intolerance. Sure those who BECOME happy overcome their "poor-in-spirit-ness by focusing on self improvement in those areas of felt deficit, however I imagine the unhealthy may become more intolerant, envious and controlling.

    Anyway, just a brain-fart.

  • serenitynow!

    So you are saying that when you are feeling bad, you get angry with those who are different? What are you doing to overcome that?

  • gubberningbody

    I anaylse what it is that I don't like, and then once I figure that out, I usually know what I need to "fix" in me.

    In my own case it's been a case of concentrated effort at improving myself physically, and mentally likewise acquiring "trophies" to demonstrate to myself that I deserve to think well of myself.

    When I feel "wealthy", I feel more tolerant.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I'm tolerant of diversity. No issues there.

    I think you mean when you're feeling bad about yourself you look down on others? As a way to feel better about yourself? If that's what you mean that actually is very common. People will put others down as a way to bolster themselves. I can understand that.

  • gubberningbody

    Not really "look down", more just internal negative chat about how much I hate being in a world where I have to keep "braking" to accomodate THEM. ADD here. I used to think I was that was because I was a critical, impatient jerk. Now I know it's not my fault anymore. I have a "disability".



    I don`t mind diversity..

    It`s change and people who are different,that bother me..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • gubberningbody

    Yeah, outlaw, it's like there are no stupid questions, just stupid people who ask questions.

  • mindmelda

    Most people are impatient and intolerant about some things. It's all in how good you are at necessary social hypocrisy, really. *G*

    I'm often really glad I can't read other people's minds. God knows what horrible things they're thinking about me, because I usually am about them, too. LOL

  • upnorth

    I'm not understanding how diversity, used in the tread title, fits in with the text you wrote ?

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