Here is why: The New Testament God is not Almighty God as is the Old Testament God. It is nothing more than a metaphor that Jesus came up with to help the peasants do their own thinking despite the Establishment. Jesus was, in fact, slow to anger--and would tolerate anything except deliberate oppression of others.
Jehovah, or the Old Testament God, is in fact a Tyrant. He insists on always having his way, no matter who He hurts in the process. He has a temper tantrum every time anyone does anything except what He tells them to. He has shown intolerance of mankind ruling himself, numerous times. First, He didn't give Satan a proper chance to let mankind rule himself without force-based laws that have nothing to do with protection. He has also prevented Nimrod from establishing a government that would have solved our problems. He prevented Socrates from setting us free; maneuvering things to favor Plato and to vilify Socrates and Aristotle (both of whom were against Jehovah's tyrannical way of ruling). He had Jesus killed and then twisted his sayings to prevent them from being used to solve problems. He ruined this country, putting Lincoln in to start the damage and then Wilson, Roosevelt (FDR), Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and now Osama Obama to prevent freedom. He has corrupted the presidents that would have gotten things done--or had them killed: Eisenhower, JFK, Ford, Reagan, and both Bushes were prevented from fully bringing us into prosperity by Jehovah. Ross Perot and Ron Paul both lost candidacies because Jehovah didn't want them solving our problems. And the story goes on.
Jehovah wants us oppressed, so He can falsely promise to deliver us (if we obey His tyrannical rules). Jesus and Satan both tried to set us free: Satan was debased, and Jesus died trying.