More UN Involvement August 2009

by cantleave 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cantleave

    This appeared on a FB discussion board. I'm pretty certain its been on here before but in case you haven't seen it -

  • teel

    I'm a bit unsure about this. It's not actually involvement, it's just an appeal to the authorities. Still, it's somewhat like when Jerusalem was attacked by Babylon, and Zedekiah went to Egypt (heh, just a coincidence, nothing more) to get help. If the UN is the tool of the devil, then its help would be at least partly from the devil himself.

    The document is a bit vague (or I'm too superficial reader?), I hope the UN won't jump at the first sign, and will ask for clarifications. For example, in the section "Accusations and Abuses" it says nothing about the current situation, only that in the 60s they were labeled Zionists. I would be quite surprised if this is why they are still banned, maybe it has more to do with, say the blood ban, the shunning, and extreme pushing of the religion?

  • truthlover

    check on the web site of Forum18 - they report all types of religious persecutions, JW's included - along with Mormons,Ba'hai- Baptist, etc.. and Mulsims depending on the country involved

  • peaches

    thank you for the information

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