PublishingCult's 4th video, CULT of the PUBLISHING CORPORATION IV- Ordained Ministers III is now uploaded on Youtube.
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, Inc claims to have 7 million baptized members worldwide who are, everyone, man, woman, and child, Ordained Ministers, and the only ministers today who are following closely in Jesus footsteps in preaching the Good News of Gods Kingdom.
This video pries a little deeper into the intellectual dishonesty and mental gymnastics employed by WT ministers as they attempt to prove scripturally that the peddling of WT publications is actually a commandment from Jesus himself.
If Jehovahs Witnesses claim to be the only organization to have and promulgate the truth about God and His Word, the Bible (as written and recorded in WT publications), then why has the Truth been revised time and time again? Does it ever cross the brainwashed minds of Jehovahs Witnesses that the revised truth was never truth to begin with, and therefore false, i.e., a lie? This simple fact negates the idea that Jehovahs Witnesses are Gods only true ministers today.
Watch this video and decide for yourself. Are Jehovahs Witnesses really ordained ministers or simply Watchtower publication peddlers?