Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-02-10 WT Study (February 15, 2010, pages 24-28)(BEST WAY OF LIFE)
Review comments will be in red or headed by COMMENTS
WT material from today's WT will be in black
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WELCOME TO THE BEST WAY OF LIFE! "Both if we live and if we die we belong to Jehovah.”--ROM. 14:8.
Is life a series of only one best choice? Is there only one best fruit? Is there only one best place to life? Is there only
one best type of art? Only one best type of music? One best type of house, or transportation? Many if not most
religions believe their way is the best way of life? Within one religion there can be many alternate ways of living; even
the WTS has altered what they consider the best way of living many times.
It wasn't until 1947 that the WTS came out officially against polygamy among its members in Africa while supposedly it
was the best way of living for jws in the rest of the world.
*** w95 2/1 p. 16 par. 7 A Great Crowd Rendering Sacred Service ***In 1947 it was emphasized that Jehovah’s Christian marriage standards apply in all lands; regardless of what local
custom might approve, those who continued to practice polygamy could not be Witnesses of Jehovah.—Matthew
19:4-6; Titus 1:5, 6.
Until 1967, jws were allowed to have organ transplants. From 1967-1980 they were not under possible
disfellowshipping. From 1980 to now it was allowed again (per your conscience).
*** w61 8/1 p. 480 Questions From Readers ***
Is there anything in the Bible against giving one’s eyes (after death) to be transplanted to some living person?—L. C., United States.
The question of placing one’s body or parts of one’s body at the disposal of men of science or doctors at one’s death
for purposes of scientific experimentation or replacement in others is frowned upon by certain religious bodies.
However, it does not seem that any Scriptural principle or law is involved. It therefore is something that each individual
must decide for himself. If he is satisfied in his own mind and conscience that this is a proper thing to do, then he can
make such provision, and no one else should criticize him for doing so. On the other hand, no one should be criticized
for refusing to enter into any such agreement.
*** w67 11/15 p. 702 Questions From Readers ***
Is there any Scriptural objection to donating one’s body for use in medical research or to accepting organs for transplant from such a source?—W. L., U.S.A.
...When there is a diseased or defective organ, the usual way health is restored is by taking in nutrients. The body uses
the food eaten to repair or heal the organ, gradually replacing the cells. When men of science conclude that this normal
process will no longer work and they suggest removing the organ and replacing it directly with an organ from another
human, this is simply a shortcut. Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human.
That is cannibalistic. However, in allowing man to eat animal flesh Jehovah God did not grant permission for humans to
try to perpetuate their lives by cannibalistically taking into their bodies human flesh, whether chewed or in the form of
whole organs or body parts taken from others.
...What should be done, though, when a Christian is asked to provide an organ for use in another person or to allow the
body part of a deceased loved one to be so used? We might ask, If a Christian decided personally that he would not
sustain his own life with the flesh of another imperfect human, could he conscientiously allow part of his flesh to be
used in that way to sustain someone else?
*** w80 3/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***Clearly, personal views and conscientious feelings vary on this issue of transplantation. It is well known that the use of
human materials for human consumption varies all the way from minor items, such as hormones and corneas, to major
organs, such as kidneys and hearts. While the Bible specifically forbids consuming blood, there is no Biblical command
pointedly forbidding the taking in of other human tissue. For this reason, each individual faced with making a decision
on this matter should carefully and prayerfully weigh matters and then decide conscientiously what he or she could or
could not do before God. It is a matter for personal decision. (Gal. 6:5)
The congregation judicial committee would not take disciplinary action if someone accepted an organ transplant.
Q 1. Jesus taught what about the best way of life?
JEHOVAH wants us to enjoy the best way of life. People can live in various ways, but only one way is the best. We can
do nothing better with our life than conform to God's Word and learn from his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus taught his
followers to worship God with spirit and truth, and he commissioned them to make disciples. (Matt. 28:19, 20; John
4:24) By living in harmony with Jesus' instructions, we please Jehovah and enjoy His blessing.
Is it true that "people can live in various ways, but only one way is the best"? The Pharisees wrote a whole book, the
Talmud to define what God had said was the best way to live. The jws have a similar approach to the Bible. Can you
find anywhere in the bible that the best way to live means men cannot have beards and be approved for "special
privileges" in the Christian congregation...why Jesus and his followers had beards.
Whose instructions does the WTS follow, Jesus' or the GB, and who do they seek to please the WTS/FDS/GB or
Q 2. How did many respond to the Kingdom message in the first century, and what did it mean to belong to "The Way"?
2. When those "rightly disposed for everlasting life" become believers and get baptized, we have sound reasons to say
to them, "Welcome to the best way of life!" (Acts 13: 48) During the first century of our Common Era, thousands of
people from different nations embraced the truth and gave public evidence of their devotion to God by being baptized.
(Acts 2:41) Those early disciples belonged to "The Way." (Acts 9:2; 19:23) This expression was fitting because those
who became followers of Christ adhered to a manner of life that centered on faith in Jesus Christ and on imitating his
example.--1 Pet. 2:21.
COMMENTSThe real draw or CARROT on a stick for jws and the people they try to convert is everlasting life.
How many did "embrace" the Christian way of life in the first century? Thousands, how many thousands, close to
144,000? Notice how even in the first century the WTS defines people then as only "professed" Christians, "not
Christians in fact." "MAY NEVER HAVE (caps mine) have actually preached...or followed in Jesus' footsteps, being
only PROFESSED Christians." Notice that although "by providence" Jesus' followers were called Christians, the WTS
and Rutherford chose an OT name of Jehovah's Witnesses. Is it no wonder that many people don't realize that jws
"profess" to be Christians.
*** w52 1/15 p. 62 Questions From Readers ***
According to the article “Hated for His Name” in the September 1, 1951, Watchtower, hundreds of thousands of Christians died in the “ten persecutions” starting in Nero’s time, 144,000 dying in Egypt alone during one of the persecutions. How can this be harmonized with the Scriptural limitation of 144,000 placed on the number being in Christ’s body, and which position was the only one open to Christians during those centuries?—J.A., Dominican Republic.
The article did not class with any finality the individuals that died during these persecutions, but spoke of the results in a
general way. Note that a key qualification was made in the case referred to in the question: “In the province of Egypt
alone, 144,000 such professed Christians died by violence in the course of this persecution, in addition to another
700,000 who died as a result of fatigues encountered in banishment or under enforced public works.” The victims are
identified as “professed Christians”, not Christians in fact. Many of those persons might have been caught in the wave
of persecution, but may never have actually preached the truth or followed in Jesus’ footsteps, being only professed
Christians. They knew the world they lived in was rotten and they were listening to the message of the Christians and
willing to die for it even though not in line for the high calling in Christ Jesus. Many professed Christians today might be
willing to die for their faith, but still not be Jesus’ footstep followers and meeting the Scriptural requirements for such.
Q 3. Why do Jehovah's people get baptized, and how many have been immersed in the past ten years?
3. The disciple-making work has sped up in these last days and is now being done in over 230 lands. During the past
ten years, more than 2,700,000 people have made the decision to serve Jehovah and be baptized in symbol of their
dedication to him. That is an average of over 5,000 individuals every week! The decision to be baptized is based on
love for God, knowledge of the Scriptures, and faith in what they teach. Baptism is a milestone in our life, for it marks
the beginning of an intimate relationship with Jehovah. It is also a demonstration of confidence that he will help us to
serve him faithfully, just as he helped his servants of old to walk in his way.--Isa. 30:21.
COMMENTSWhy do Jehovah's people (only jws) get baptized? Is this baptism based on love or the desire to survive Armageddon per Ezekiel 9:4-6 or the CARROT on the stick of everlasting life on a paradise earth (another non-bible term). What about beginning an "intimate relationship" with Jesus?
Because the mark in Ezekiel 9:4-6 is baptism as one of jws. Only jws will not be destroyed at the end, Armageddon per the WTS.
*** w08 7/15 pp. 5-6 par. 11 The House-to-House Ministry—Why Important Now? ***By means of the preaching and disciple-making work, the anointed class puts a symbolic mark on those who become
part of Christ’s “other sheep.” (John 10:16) What is the mark? It is the evidence, as if displayed on their uncovered
foreheads, that such sheep are dedicated, baptized disciples of Jesus Christ and that they have put on the Christlike
new personality. (Eph. 4:20-24)
*** w96 1/15 p. 17 par. 9 Jehovah’s Sheep Need Tender Care ***If they agree that the unbaptized publisher has a reasonable understanding of Bible teachings and qualifies in other
ways, they will tell him that he may be baptized. As a result of his dedication and baptism, he becomes ‘marked’ for
salvation.—Ezekiel 9:4-6.
*** w88 11/15 p. 17 par. 10 Helping Others to Worship God ***An announcement that he is a new unbaptized publisher can be made to the congregation. He should continue studying
the Bible, participating in the meetings, applying what he learns, and sharing it with others. Before long, he will want to
take the step of Christian baptism, thus becoming approved by God and ‘marked’ for salvation.—Ezekiel 9:4-6.
*** km 10/87 p. 8 par. 7 Help Others to Dedication and Baptism ***Only those ‘marked’ for salvation will survive into Jehovah’s new system. (Ezek. 9:2-6) How happy those who submit to this ‘marking’ for survival will be because of their dedicated relationship with Jehovah God, as symbolized by water baptism!
COMMENTSHow many were baptized but how many remain
Average publishers 2009 5,653,987
Average publishers 2000 6,829,455
Increase 1,263,416
2,699,241 - 1,263,416 = difference baptized from average publishers =
1,435, 825 (where did they go, they couldn't have all died)
Baptized between 2000 and 2009 (10 years) per yearbook stats
2,699,241 Total baptized between 2000 and 2009
Q 4, 5. Mention some of the blessings and benefits of getting baptized.
4. Perhaps you have taken in knowledge of God, have made changes in your life, and are now an unbaptized publisher.
Such progress is commendable. But have you made a dedication to God in prayer, and are you hoping to get
baptized? From your study of the Bible, you very likely now know that your life should be focused on praising Jehovah,
not on merely pleasing yourself or acquiring material possessions. (Read Psalm 148:11-13; Luke 12:15) So, what are
some of the blessings and benefits of getting baptized?
COMMENTSWhere in the bible will you find the word "publisher" let alone "unbaptized publisher"?
So what is the WTS definition of "pleasing yourself" or "acquiring material possessions"? Does that mean you should eat gruel and flog yourself as some religions do? Does that mean you live in poverty, donating everything else to the WTS? Can a jw own their own home and not be considered "acquiring material possessions"?
5. As a dedicated Christian, your life will have the highest purpose. You will be happy because you are doing the divine
will. (Rom. 12:1,2) Jehovah's holy spirit will produce in you such godly qualities as peace and faith. (Gal. 5:22, 23) God
will answer your prayers and bless your efforts to conform your life to his Word. Your ministry will be joyful, and living in
the way that God approves will strengthen your hope of everlasting life. Moreover, making a dedication and getting
baptized will show that you really want to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.--Isa. 43:10-12.
COMMENTSdedicated Christian = only jws
What is the divine will per the WTS?
Will God only answer prayers of jws?
CARROT = everlasting life
CONFORM = to the bible or WTS/FDS/GB directions?
Showing you want to be a Christian or a jw = by providence Jesus' followers became known as Christians not jws
Does Isaiah 43:10-12 apply to all jws or only "anointed" jws who are considered spiritual "Israelites"? Non-anointed jws
are compared to Gentiles that associated with the Jews such as the ones that left Egypt, the Gibeonites, etc. Notice
how the WTS says "Jehovah's witnesses AND THEIR COMPANIONS (non anointed jws)".
*** w81 2/1 pp. 21-22 par. 6 The Time for a Watchman like Ezekiel ***
Ezekiel’s people were the ones to whom Jehovah had earlier said by his prophet Isaiah: “‘You are my witnesses,’ is the
utterance of Jehovah, ‘even my servant whom I have chosen.’” (Isa. 43:10-12) So Ezekiel pictured the organized body
of Jehovah’s spirit-anointed witnesses at the present time, the spiritual Israelites.
*** w65 6/1 p. 336 pars. 6-7 Increase Your Praise of Jehovah! ***
More than thirty years ago they were given a name that was based on Jehovah’s Word, namely, Jehovah’s witnesses.
(Isa. 43:10) These are, not Jews according to the flesh, but, rather, spiritual Judeans (meaning, ‘praisers of Jehovah’),
spiritual Israelites composed of many nationalities who have been brought out of captivity to Babylon the Great.—Rom.
2:28, 29; 9:6; Eph. 2:11-18; Heb. 8:7-13. These people, Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions, are the only ones
in the earth who are praising and blessing the most important, the most wonderful and the most holy name in all the
universe, the name of Jehovah! Other scriptures identify this singular class as “fearers of Jehovah,” ‘seekers of
Jehovah,’ “the meek ones,” “the upright ones,” ‘the afflicted and poor ones.’—Ps. 22:23, 26; 33:1; 74:21; Jer. 20:13.
*** w58 11/15 p. 698 par. 17 Reading the Meaning of the Signs and Wonders ***To the anointed remnant of spiritual Israelites Isaiah 43:10 says: “‘You are my witnesses,’ is the utterance of Jehovah,
‘even my servant whom I have chosen.’” This servant class has to be seen; it has to let itself be heard in order to be
witnesses of Jehovah. And in order to join with the anointed servant class in the world-wide witness work, the great flock
of dedicated sheeplike persons has to be seen in union with them and let themselves be heard in unison with them.
Q 6. What does our baptism make known?
6. By dedicating ourselves to God and being baptized, we make it known that we belong to Jehovah. "None of us, in
fact, lives with regard to himself only, and no one dies with regard to himself only," wrote the apostle Paul, "for both if
we live, we live to Jehovah, and if we die, we die to Jehovah. Therefore both if we live and if we die, we belong to
Jehovah." (Rom. 14:7, 8) God has dignified us by giving us free will. When we firmly decide to pursue this way of life
because we love God, we make his heart rejoice. (Prov. 27:11) Our baptism is both a symbol of our dedication to God
and a public declaration that Jehovah is our Ruler. It shows that we have taken a stand on his side of the issue of
universal sovereignty. (Acts 5:29, 32) In turn, Jehovah is on our side. (Read Psalm 118:6.) Baptism also opens the way
for us to receive many other spiritual blessings now and in the future.
COMMENTSDo Christians belong to Jesus?
What is free will according to the WTS?
Where is the love for Christ?
The word 'sovereignty' is not in the bible (only in footnotes in the NWT)
(Romans 1:6) 6 among which [nations] YOU also are those called to belong to Jesus Christ—
(Galatians 5:24) . . .Moreover, those who belong to Christ Jesus impaled the flesh together with its passions and
(Romans 8:9) . . .But if anyone does not have Christ’s spirit, this one does not belong to him.
(1 Corinthians 3:22-23) . . .whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things now here or things
to come, all things belong to YOU; 23 in turn YOU belong to Christ; Christ, in turn, belongs to God.
(1 Corinthians 15:23) . . .But each one in his own rank: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the Christ
during his presence.
(2 Corinthians 10:7) . . .YOU look at things according to their face value. If anyone trusts in himself that he belongs to
Christ, let him again take this fact into account for himself, that, just as he belongs to Christ, so do we also. . .
(Galatians 3:29) . . .Moreover, if YOU belong to Christ, YOU are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a
QUOTES--Secular definition by some of free will
Philosophers who distinguish freedom of action and freedom of will do so because our success in carrying out our
ends depends in part on factors wholly beyond our control. Furthermore, there are always external constraints on the
range of options we can meaningfully try to undertake. As the presence or absence of these conditions and constraints
are not (usually) our responsibility, it is plausible that the central loci of our responsibility are our choices, or “willings.”
Q 7-9. (a) What assurance did Jesus give to those who left all things and followed him? (b) How is Jesus' promise
recorded at Mark 10:29, 30 being fulfilled?
7. The apostle Peter said to Jesus: "Look! We have left all things and followed you; what actually will there be for us?"
(Matt. 19: 27) Peter wanted to know what the future held for him and for Jesus' other disciples. To devote themselves
fully to the Kingdom preaching work, they had made important sacrifices. (Matt. 4:18-22) What assurance did Jesus
give them?
COMMENTS"left all things" yet they went back to their families and livelihood
What really was the model of "preaching" at that time?
8. According to Mark's parallel account, Jesus indicated that his disciples would be part of a spiritual brotherhood. He
said: "No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake
of the good news who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and
mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things everlasting life." (Mark 10:29,
30) First-century Christians, such as Lydia, Aquila, Priscilla, and Gaius, were among those who provided "houses" and
became "brothers and sisters and mothers" to fellow believers, as Jesus had promised.--Acts 16:14, 15; 18:24; 3 John
COMMENTSspiritual brotherhood--if you say it does it make it so? How many of us sat in the audience when it was declared from
the platform that we were in a spiritual brotherhood, only to have few if no one talk to us and we weren't da'd or df'd.
How many homes have you been in; how many jws in the congregation have you gone door to door with; how many
invited you to their recreational events; how many know where you live, know your first name and the names of your
children....and you have been in the same congregation for 15 years?
9. What Jesus said is having greater fulfillment today. The "fields" his followers leave behind refer to the livelihoods
that many, including missionaries, members of the Bethel family, international servants and others, willingly give up in
order to advance Kingdom interests in various lands. Many brothers and sisters have left their homes in order to
simplify their life, and it gives us joy to hear their experiences showing how Jehovah has cared for them and how their
service to him has made them happy. (Acts 20:35) Moreover, all baptized servants of Jehovah can enjoy the blessing
of "seeking first the kingdom and [God's] righteousness" as part of the globe-encircling Christian brotherhood.--Matt.
COMMENTS Jesus' or God's followers? All baptized servants of Jehovah--Where's Jesus?
What percentage of jws have "left"; are they more "holy" that they ones who have responsibilities to care for and stay home?
Simplify their lives....those who stay behind haven't simplified their lives and God does not make them happy and cared for them?
Q 10, 11. What is "the secret place of the Most High," and how can we gain access to it?
10. Dedication and baptism result in another rich blessingthe privilege of dwelling in "the secret place of the Most
High." (Read Psalm 91:1.) This is a figurative place of safety and security--a condition, or state, of protection from
spiritual harm. It is a "secret place" because it is unknown to people who lack spiritual vision and do not trust in God. By
living in harmony with our dedication and by exercising complete confidence in Jehovah, in effect we are saying to him:
"You are my refuge and my stronghold, my God, in whom I will trust." (Ps. 91:2) Jehovah God becomes our secure
dwelling place. (Ps. 91:9) Who could ask for more than that?
COMMENTS people who lack spiritual vision and do not trust in God = all non-jws
complete confidence in God = WTS
*** w02 6/15 p. 24 Famine Relief on the Way! ***Drawing on the example of Naomi and Ruth, the speaker encouraged the graduates to have full confidence in the arrangements that God’s earthly organization has put in place and to respect theocratic authority.
11. Gaining access to "the secret place" of Jehovah ah also implies that we have been blessed with the privilege of
having developed a personal relationship with him. This begins with dedication and baptism. Thereafter, we build on our
relationship with God by drawing close to him through Bible study, heartfelt prayer, and full obedience. (Jas. 4:8) No
one has ever been closer to Jehovah than Jesus, whose confidence in the Creator has never wavered. (John 8:29)
Therefore, let us never doubt Jehovah or his desire and ability to help us fulfill our dedication vow. (Eccl. 5:4) The
spiritual provisions that God has made for his people are undeniable evidence that he truly loves us and wants us to
succeed in serving him.
COMMENTSWhere is the personal relationship with Jesus? Through Jesus not "with"?
Full obedience = WTS
Never doubt God = WTS
*** w99 7/15 pp. 13-14 par. 17 Helping People to Draw Close to Jehovah ***For faith to endure, it must be based on a personal relationship with Jehovah God through Jesus Christ.
*** w96 2/1 p. 23 par. 6 Trust in Jehovah and His Word ***If some tinge of doubt about Jehovah, his Word, or his organization has begun to linger in your heart, take quick steps to eliminate it before it festers into something that could destroy your faith
Q 12, 13. (a) What is the spiritual paradise? (b) How may we be able to help new ones?
12. Dedication and baptism also open the way for us to dwell in the blessed spiritual paradise. It is a unique spiritual
environment shared with fellow believers, who are at peace with Jehovah God and with one another. (Ps. 29:11; Isa.
54:13) The world has nothing that can rightly be compared with our spiritual paradise. This is especially evident at
international conventions, where our brothers and sisters from many nations, languages, and ethnic groups come
together in an atmosphere of peace, unity, and brotherly love.
COMMENTSSpiritual paradise = WTS/FDS/GB
fellow believers - only jws
While "peace" may be evident when jws are in public, what about their kingdom halls? What unpeaceful events did you witness?
13. The spiritual paradise that we enjoy stands in stark contrast with the deplorable conditions in the world today. (Read
Isaiah 65:13, 14.) By proclaiming the Kingdom message, we have the privilege of extending to others an invitation to
enter the spiritual paradise. It is also a blessing to assist those who have recently become associated with the
congregation and would benefit from training in the ministry. As directed by the elders, we may be blessed with the
privilege of helping certain new ones, even as Aquila and Priscilla "expounded the way of God more correctly" to
Apollos.--Acts 18:24-26.
So the deplorable conditions or child molesting, wife abuse, alcoholics, fraud, stealing, illegal immigrants, tax evasion,
etc., are not found in jw congregations? From personal experience and having seen it, it is there. Do you want to invite
people into that?
How many jws are "trained" today?
Q 14, 15. We have what sound reasons to keep on learning from Jesus?
14. We have sound reasons to keep on learning from Jesus. In his prehuman existence, Jesus spent untold
millenniums working with his Father. (Prov. 8:22, 30) He knew that the best way of life centered on serving God and
bearing witness to the truth. (John 18:37) It was clear to Jesus that any other way of life would be selfish and
shortsighted. He knew that he would be tested severely and put to death. (Matt. 20:18,19; Heb. 4:15) As our Exemplar,
he taught us how to be integrity keepers.
COMMENTSHow have jws been learning from Jesus? Jesus lived as a Jew not a are jws to learn from him?
Jesus only lived 33 years on earth, only 3.5 of them as the Messiah. How many years have you been following the
15. Shortly after Jesus was baptized, Satan tempted him to abandon the best way of life but to no avail. (Matt. 4:111)
This teaches us that regardless of what Satan does, we can maintain our integrity. He is likely to focus his attention on
those approaching baptism as well as on newly baptized ones. (1 Pet. 5:8) Opposition may come from well-intentioned
but misinformed family members. Yet, such tests afford us opportunities to manifest fine Christian qualities, such as
respect and tact, when we answer questions and give a witness. (1 Pet. 3:15) These experiences can therefore have a
positive effect on those who listen to us.--Tim. 4: 16.
COMMENTSJesus was a perfect man; can imperfect people succeed without the same tools?
LIKELY = the bible does not say
well-intentioned but misinformed family = non-jws
The WTS has been discussing respect and tact when talking to non-jws quite a bit--evidently many jws are being rude.
Q 16, 17. (a) What three basic requirements for life are found at Deuteronomy 30:19, 20? (b) How did Jesus, John,
and Paul support what Moses wrote?
16. Some 1,500 years before Jesus walked the earth, Moses exhorted the Israelites to choose the best way of life
then possible. He said: "I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I have put life and
death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and
your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him." (Deut. 30:19, 20) Israel
proved unfaithful to God, but the three basic requirements for life cited by Moses have not changed. They were
restated by Jesus and others.
3 basic requirements restated by Jesus?
17. First, 'we must love Jehovah our God.' We demonstrate that we love God by acting in accord with his righteous
ways. (Matt. 22: 37) Second, 'we must listen to Jehovah's voice' by studying God's Word and obeying his
commandments. (1 John 5:3) This calls for our regular presence at Christian meetings, where the Bible is discussed.
(Heb. 10:23-25) Third, 'we must stick to Jehovah.' Regardless of what we must face, let us always exercise faith in
God and follow his Son.--2 Cor. 4: 16-18.
COMMENTSLove Jehovah--Did Jesus ever say "Jehovah" or did he say "Father"?
Is listening to the WTS/FDS/GB and reading their publications = listening to God's voice?
REGULAR presence at Christian (jw) meetings
Is the bible discussed or WT publications with a few snippets of scriptures?
Q18. (a) How did The Watch Tower describe the truth back in 1914? (b) How should we feel about the light of truth
18. What a blessing it is to live in harmony with Bible truth! In 1914, this significant statement was published in The
Watch Tower: "Are we not a blessed, happy people? Is not our God faithful? If anyone knows anything better, let him
take it. If any of you ever find anything better, we hope you will tell us. We know of nothing better nor half as good as
what we have found in the Word of God .... No tongue or pen can tell the peace, the joy and the blessing which a clear
knowledge of the true God has brought into our heart and life. The Story of God's Wisdom, Justice, Power and Love
fully satisfies the cravings of both our head and our heart. We are seeking no further. There is nothing more to be
desired than to get this wonderful Story more clearly before our mind." (The Watch Tower; December 15,1914, pages
377-378) Our gratitude for spiritual light and truth is unchanged. Indeed, we now have even greater reason to rejoice
that we "walk in the light of Jehovah."--Isa. 2:5; Ps. 43:3; Prov. 4:18.
COMMENTSDecember 15, 1914 (remember that this was after the time that Bible Students thought everything would be wound up
on earth in the fall of 1914, Armageddon.
What was left out of this quote?
The Editor has been rejoicing in these blessed experiences. Even if the time of our change should not come within ten
years, what more should we ask? Are we not a blessed, happy people? Is not our God faithful? If any one knows
anything better, let him take it. If any of you ever find anything better, we hope you will tell us. We know of nothing better
nor half as good as what we have found in the Word of God.
As the hymn expresses it:
"It satisfies my longings
As nothing else can do."
Personally, we can say, If God has some further experiences for us, we are glad that He has; if we need further
polishing, we hope He will give it to us. If it takes a year to get the polishing necessary, we desire to have this time
allotted. Or if He desires to have us do some work in the polishing of others, and if we should not get into the Kingdom
ourself, we would be glad to have His will done.
We have sometimes asked, How many brethren would be willing to take a thousand dollars for what they know of the
Truth? Not a hand was seen! Who would take ten thousand dollars? None! Who would take a million
::R5596 : page 377::
dollars? Who will take the whole world in exchange for what he knows about the Divine character and the Divine Plan?
Nobody! Then we said, You are not a badly discontented crowd, dear friends. If you feel so rich that you would take
nothing in exchange for your knowledge of God, then you feel just as rich as we do.
The Editor has known from earliest childhood what it is to call God his Heavenly Father; for he had Christian parents.
And then, when fifteen years of age, we gave Him our heart, and reverenced and worshiped Him with what amount of
knowledge we had. Although indoctrinated along Calvinistic lines to believe that only the Elect would reach glory, and
that all the non-elect would experience eternal torment, we were accustomed to think of ourself as one of the Elect, and
to appreciate the Love of God, which had provided for the salvation of the Elect.
A few years later, however, reason began to assert itself over superstition. We inquired of ourself, Where is this Hell
which you preach? What do you really know about it? Confessing our own ignorance, we went to our teachers and
Elders; but to our amazement we found that they knew no more about it than ourself. Then we stopped preaching and
began to think and to examine the creeds. We found that the difference between them was trivial. All had the one
foundation of Heavenly salvation for the few and eternal woe for the thousands of millions.
The more we investigated, the more sure we felt that a great mistake had been made; that a real God could not have
made such an arrangement as our creeds declared. We threw them all away; and thinking that the Bible was the basis
for them all, we threw the Bible after them.
But having once known our Heavenly Father, we could find no rest without Him. Our soul hungered for His love and
care. We still held to the great fact that our Universe had an intelligent, personal Creator; for His Wisdom and Power
were before us on every starry night. The more we studied anatomy, the more thoroughly we became convinced that all
humanity, yea, every creature, is "fearfully and wonderfully made," and that the eye, the
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ear, the nerves, the power to move in response to mere thinking, could not have come by chance, could not have been
evolved by a nature god. We worshiped the God of Wisdom and Power, and sought to know more of Him, confident
that we should find Him good.
Left to the resources of our own brain, we reasoned, Could others and ourself possess as the gifts of our Creator the
qualities of justice and love, which we esteem to be the very highest of our faculties, and yet the Creator Himself be
devoid of these attributes? Our mind answered, Surely He who formed the eye to see and the ear to hear and who
gave humanity the qualities of justice and love must possess these qualities in infinite measure.
Thus with the eyes of our understanding we beheld the great God of the Universe, infinite in Wisdom, Justice, Love and
Power. Again we worshiped Him, rejoiced that we could have confidence in our God and realize that He had made
neither the earth nor the race of mankind in vain, but that He had some wise, just, loving purpose in connection with our
Our next thought was, Would not a just and loving God be pleased to make known His purposes to those of His
creatures who desire to do His will? Would He be ashamed of His purposes? Would He ignore the qualities of mind
which He has given us? Again our mind answered, You may confidently seek God's Message to humanity. Thinking that
we had already examined the Bible sufficiently, we turned our attention to heathen religions, only to find them less
rational in some respects, though less fiendish, than our own creeds. Evidently the most intelligent peoples have been
the most thoroughly seduced by Satan and his doctrines of demons, into believing the most horrible things respecting
the Creator and His purposes toward His human creatures.
Finally, we resolved to begin anew the study of the Bible, first assuring ourself that our colored creed-spectacles were
thoroughly broken and our mind entirely untrammeled. Gradually the Lord led us to clearer and yet clearer light upon His
Word, until we found that the basis of all our difficulty lay in the fact that we had followed Satan's lie told to Mother Eve
in Eden--"Ye shall not surely die." From that time onward the entire Bible became illuminated, grand, beautiful,
harmonious; and now it stands pre-eminent before our mind as God's Word!
, and to appreciate more and more the Divine character as illustrated by the great Divine Plan of the Ages, which our
Heavenly Father is gradually outworking for the blessing, first of the Church, and afterwards of all the families of the
Q 19. Why should those who qualify for baptism take that step without delay?
19. If you want to "walk in the light of Jehovah" but are not yet a dedicated, baptized Christian, do not delay. Do
whatever is needed to meet the Biblical requirements for baptism--the unique way to demonstrate gratitude for what
God and Christ have done for us. Give Jehovah your most valuable physical possession your life. Show that you intend
to do God's will by following his Son. (2 Cor. 5:14, 15) Without question, that is the best way of life!
COMMENTSRemember jws are told that only baptized jws will survive Armageddon and that SOON it will be here; for the last 131
years it would be soon, 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1975......SOON.
Christian = only jw
How Would You Respond?
What does our baptism symbolize?
Dedication to God and baptism result in what blessings?
Why is learning from Jesus so important?
What will help us to stick to the best way of life?
Sorry for the delay, my computer took a dive. Fortunately, nothing lost.
Next week, Baptized in the Name of Whom and What? Will the spirit-directed organization be mentioned? "Jehovah
guides and leads the Christian congregation through his spirit...being baptized in the name of the holy spirit involves
recognizing its (congregation) role in our life and gratefully COOPERATING (my caps) with that spirit."
*** w06 4/1 p. 22 ‘Go and Make Disciples, Baptizing Them’ ***The Two Baptismal Questions
On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do
his will?
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with
God’s spirit-directed organization?
*** w06 4/1 p. 24 par. 14 ‘Go and Make Disciples, Baptizing Them’ ***The second question also reminds the candidate of his responsibility to work with Jehovah’s spirit-directed
organization. We are not alone in serving God, and we need the help, support, and encouragement of “the whole
association of brothers.” (1 Peter 2:17; 1 Corinthians 12:12, 13) God’s organization plays a vital role in our spiritual
growth. It provides a wealth of Bible publications that help us to grow in accurate knowledge, to act wisely when we are
faced with problems, and to cultivate a close relationship with God. Like a mother who makes sure that her child is
well-fed and cared for, “the faithful and discreet slave” provides an abundance of timely spiritual food for our spiritual
advancement.—Matthew 24:45-47; 1 Thessalonians 2:7, 8.
Love, Blondie