My Dad asked if I had a mtg last night...

by cognac 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    I couldn't remember if the CO was at our hall this week or not. I panicked a bit and said, "I don't know. I don't think so."

    I think he's on to me...

  • asilentone

    oh boy, you are in a big trouble.

  • penny2

    Once they get used to the idea that you're not going back (and you get used to the idea that they are used to the idea) - it's very liberating. There might be a bit of pain to get to that point but it's worth it.


  • Jim_TX

    If he brings it up again (like vomit), then you can say that because it was the week of the CO's visit (even if it wasn't - say it was) - they changed the meetings around - and that is why you were a bit confused.

    Play it off. Don't panic.


    Jim TX

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You're allowed to miss meetings. Just be honest.

    Dad: Did you have a meeting last night?

    You: I assume so, but I didn't go.

    Dad: Why not?

    You: I had other things to do.

    If he keeps pushing you're gonig to have to man up and tell him you're old enough to decide for yourself when to skip meeting and when to attend.

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