The end of thought control is near! :)

by wannabefree 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannabefree

    You have nothing to fear but fear itself!

    *** w55 2/15 p. 100 Wanted: Robot Minds for Today ***
    Men "faint out of fear" readily become robot minds. True Christians will wake up their minds to see that the end of this age of fear and thought control is near. The great war of Armageddon impends. At that battle Christ the King will wipe out Satan and his hordes of robot minds. A new government will control the earth. It will be one government for all the people. The king of that new world, Christ Jesus, will not allow fear or robot minds to mar the peace of a paradise earth.-Luke 21:26

  • wannabefree

    Would you say Jehovahs's Witnesses capitalize on people being "faint out of fear" to capture, keep, and control minds?

  • designs

    I think the 50's with the threat of Communism played into the Society's End Times scenario pretty well, there was lot's to be paranoid over. Remember Bomb Shelters in your neighbor's back yard.....Duck and cover!

    I don't think they quite know what to do with radical Islam or whether it is suppose to fit with their interpretations of Daniel and Revelations.

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