I thought this article was quite interesting. Certainly as far as most JWs are concerned , even very intelligent ones just seem to have a blank spot as far as objectivity & common sense is concerned when JW matters are being discussed. The almost hypnotic Watchtower “study” where no contrary opinion is allowed would also seem to have the same effect. I remember when taking the Watchtower or reading it looking at the mainly bored , glazed over faces of the audience , most of whom just parroted word for word what the paragraph said - it was actually quite scary at times.
New Scientist article re prayer & objectivity
by dozy 4 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Dozy
Iam sure when the New scientist gains its membership by applying similar tecniques.
A very intelligent believer recently asked me to pray for a friend of his who was getting an estimate on having a car repaired.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. Where exactly does the Lord fit into this scenario?
A very intelligent believer recently asked me to pray for a friend of his who was getting an estimate on having a car repaired.
If it was a Ferrari, then this might very well be in order.
If it was a Ferrari, then this might very well be in order.
Not to mention a Porsche.