Religious Christendom's Heavy Blood Guilt!
To pair the word hate with Christian, would really be foriegn to the hearer of that combination of words, wouldn't it? That would certainly be nothing the founder of Christianity would be guilty of, would it? In that he suffered and died, nailed to a crude implement of death, such as a wooden stake, pole, cross, or Tree, to redeem all mankind from sin and death, brought about by the Sin of the first Man, Adam. Can anyone imagine someone who made claim to being a Worshipper of Jehovah, with hammer and nails in his hands driving those nails into the hands and feet of the very Son of God? Would you really call that type of individual a Christian? Or perhaps another Worshipper of Jehovah, stoning another worshipper of Jehovah to death? Or mocking and jeering, and insulting, another follower of Jehovah? All the while doing those things making claim they were followers of the Son of God, Jesus Christ? But in actuality were violent persecuters of the true followers of the Christ? I've just described a terrible sitution, haven't I?
The reality is though, it is the actual state of things now, and has been for over six thousand years; so it shouldn't strike those who really do understand the Bible as anything too strange, because they know that situation will end shortly when the Christ arrives in Kingdom Power. But even right up until his arrival this persecution and murder done by these so-called Christian's will still be in progress, but will end at that time, for all time. {Revelation 12:1- 17} {Matthew 24:9}
When, and why, did it all begin? Why did the Israelite Nation itself manifest this hatred toward Jehovah's True Prophets, when he sent them, to warn them, away from their wicked ways?
13 "Has not my lord been told what I did when Jez´e·bel killed the prophets of Jehovah, how I kept some of the prophets of Jehovah hid, a hundred men by fifties in a cave, and kept supplying them bread and water? 14 And now you are saying, ‘Go, say to your lord: "Here is E·li´jah."’ And he will be bound to kill me." The Dog's ended up tearing Jez'e-bel to pieces.
10 To this he said: "I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies; for the sons of Israel have left your covenant, your altars they have torn down, and your prophets they have killed with the sword, so that I only am left; and they begin looking for my soul to take it away." {1 Kings 18:4}
Notice who was doing the killing of Jehovah's Prophet's! It was the Sons of Israel! Jehovah's favored people at that time. Notice their behavior! They were tearing down the Alters. Leaving the covenant. Killing the prophets. But they would make claim they worshipped the God of the Bible. Would you say, that they really did?
How did Jehovah react to all of this at that time? Very patiently! But his patience ran out, as we see:
15 "And Jehovah the God of their forefathers kept sending against them by means of his messengers, sending again and again, because he felt compassion for his people and for his dwelling. 16 But they were continually making jest at the messengers of the [true] God and despising his words and mocking at his prophets, until the rage of Jehovah came up against his people, until there was no healing. 2 Chronickles 36: 15,16 NWT} They had reached a point they had gone too far, as far as Jehovah was concerned. There was no healing for their condition now; but they had brought that upon themselves hadn't they?
Notice what Jesus had to say to them, when he arrived on the scene: Very, very angry words for them:
33 "Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are YOU to flee from the judgment of Ge·hen´na? 34 For this reason, here I am sending forth to YOU prophets and wise men and public instructors. Some of them YOU will kill and impale, and some of them YOU will scourge in YOUR synagogues and persecute from city to city; 35 that there may come upon YOU all the righteous blood spilled on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zech·a·ri´ah son of Bar·a·chi´ah, whom YOU murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. 36 Truly I say to YOU, All these things will come upon this generation." {Matthew 23:33-36 NWT} \
So! Those who made claim to being worshippers of Jehovah got the shock of their lives didn't they? Their false claim meant absolutely nothing to him. As it will not with the entire realm of Religious Christendom today. Those words of Jesus apply with equal force to Religious Christendom today. Very probably with more force. They are not fooling anyone but themselves. They, too, are in for the shock of their lives.
Aside from everything else Religious Christendom doesn't understand about the Bible, they don't understand the import of Jesus words to those early Jews, when he called them 'serpents, offspring of vipers.' He was telling all of them, that they were all now Children of satan the devil. Their worship of Jehovah had reverted over to worship of satan the devil. satan had swung that entire Nation over on to his side, and the prophecy at Genesis 3:15 now applied to them, as it does now to the entire realm of Religious Christendom. Notice now, that prophecy:
15 "And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel." {Genesis 3:15 NWT}
16 "Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. It says, not: "And to seeds," as in the case of many such, but as in the case of one: "And to your seed," who is Christ."{Galatians 3:16 NWT}
We see from Pauls words that the main principle seed of the Woman was the Christ, who would receive a heel wound at his crucifiction, but later would deliver a fatal head wound to satan by throwing him into the lake of fire and destroying him forever. {Matthew 27:46-50} {Revelation 20:7-10} So, this hatred or enmity Jehovah foretold, was manifested in the murder of the Christ, but had been in evidence all down through the many Centuries, while Jehovah's faithful prophets were being murdered and persecuted. The stoning of Steven, was also evidence of the enmity; as was the persecution of all of the followers of the Christ, who were a part of the seed of the Woman foretold in Genesis. {Acts 7:54-60}
In the first Century. satan's seed, although professing to being worshippers of Jehovah, like those early Jews, who couldn't stand to listen to the truth of the Bible; Religious Christendom now takes their place; because even though they make claim to being Christian are much worse than those early Jews; because the true message of the Bible, exposes them for the liars that they are; and when that message is delivered to them, they become the persecuters and haters, that they are. Filled with satanic hatred for the true message of the Bible. Just as their Father the devil is. Paul knew what he was talking about when he stated the following, didn't he?
"No; but I say that the things which the Nations sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God; and I do not want YOU to become sharers with the demons. You cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; You cannot be partaking of the table of Jehovah and the table of demons. Or are we inciting Jehovah to jealousy? We are not stronger than he is, are we?" 1 Corinthians 10:20,21 NWT}
I can't help but wonder, if, when Religious Christendom all takes their seats at that Table, do they not know, that satan the devil, sits at the head of it?
Gloomy picture for those who love the truth of the Bible; but take heart, when the following four scriptures are fulfilled there'll be nothing left but smoke and ashes. All the haters will be gone! {Revelation 16:13-16} {Zephaniah 1:14-18} {Jeremiah 25:31-37} {Isaiah 24:1-6} Their dead bodies will cover this earth from end to end. As Jeremiah showed you all.
Why do this Worlds Christian's hate the message of the Bible? Simply because they are all the seed of satan the devil. The 'serpents and offspring of vipers' Jesus had called the early Jews. As there was no healing for the Israelite Nation, so too, with Religious Christendom. There will be no healing for them either. They brought that upon themselves. Jehovah is not one to be mocked. He takes that very seriously, as they will all learn; but the lesson learned will be too late to benefit them one single thing. Too sad!
Jehovah holds Religious Christendom responsible for all the righteous Blood spilled on earth. Heavy Blood guilt, requires a heavy payment. {Revelation 18:24} "Yes, in her was found the Blood of Prophets and of Holy Ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth." Be in terror Religious Christendom! Be in terror! Wannabe