A pleasant side effect of leaving the borg...... no longer afraid of criticism

by cult classic 7 Replies latest social relationships

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I realized not too long ago that my hypersensitivity to criticism has vanished. I now take correction as it is meant to be given. I no longer have a pit in my stomach if I'm wrong about something. As a witness I was very sensitive to being wrong in school, work, in relationships and in decision making. Afraid to make a mistake. Afraid to be made a fool of. To be laughed at.

    Now if I'm corrected I simply take it in, make the correction and move on......NEXT!

    It's a good feeling.............. y'all know what I mean?

    Cult Classic

  • dgp


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    anyone out there who understands? no? i'm never sharing my feelings with you guys again................ just kidding

    thanks for marking dgp.

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    CC, I think it feels good not to take so many other factors into consideration when you just want to go on something like, say, a picnic and you have to wonder if you are going to violate some kind of WT rule.

    Will this make me too tired to get up tomorrow?

    Will I get my study done?

    Will someone think I'm celebrating Mother's day?

    AM I celebrating Mother's Day?

    Is what I'm wearing appropriate?

    Will THEY think it is appropriate?

    Is my car clean enough?

    Am I clean enough?

    Does this sound stupid?

    I never worried about God's approval, what crept up on me was the judgement of the people around me. Actions and thoughts were supposed to be "Godly" but were just strange and convoluted.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    good points nac. i agree.

  • wobble

    I agree, when I first came on this forum I came out with some hog-wash of belief that still hung on from the WT.

    I was corrected in no uncertain terms ,not unkindly, but firmly, by a poster named Caedes, if my memory serves me well.

    It kinda stung for a moment, but did me good, from then on I just adjust my thinking if I am wrong, and thank the person for correcting me.

    I no longer have to be right, and I love to be educated, which happens all the time on here.

    It is good to be free, happy, and at peace.


  • snowbird

    As someone who who used to strive for perfection, I totally understand.

    Good for you!


  • zoiks

    That's nice to hear, CC. I know that "pit in the stomach" feeling, and getting rid of hyper-sensitivity has been good for me as well. I don't know if it is a direct result of leaving the borg, or if it is simply part of my continued development as an individual which happens to go hand in hand with leaving the borg. But it is nice


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