I remember my first reason for disliking JWs after a visit from them today

by Aussie Oz 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Two witness ladies and a baby called today (obviously i am either not marked down as D/f or they didnt get told) and it reminded me of what my first beef was with them.

    I would like to argue with them but just am not ready to be known as apostate till my kids are out... i am still known where i live, as i used to give public talks in this congs territory.

    anyway, today i just stopped the presentation and it went like this:

    me; witnesses are not my favorite people

    her; why? is it the bible?

    me; my ex wife is a JW and is the most unchristian person i have ever known

    her; well, its not us, some individuals may not be all they should be... we all make mistakes...

    her; are you interested in what the creator... would you like something to read?

    me; no thankyou

    her; Do i know you? you look familiar...

    me; well i have been here 10 years...

    her; must have called on you before maybe... if you have any qusetions we are always around... have a nice day...

    Well this reminded me of many visits over the years, NOT ONE (even elders) asked what the problem was, always placed the blame on imperfections. This was one of my first issues. Nobody in that organization cares about how witnesses are treating their non witness ex partners. Here they are presenting themselves as shinning lights of the community and cant be bothered to investigate why so many ex partners cant stand them.

    In fact that was what started me down this road to 'apostacy'. trying to figure out WHY the lack of interest from them. I firmly believe that elders should be making sure that witnesses are doing the right thing by the ex and children. I know they never will and i know why now, but it still pisses me off to this day!

    rant rant rant!



    It`s alway the "other" Jehovah`s Witness`s who are AssHoles..

    No one knows who they are..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

  • Scully

    Oh yes, whenever there's a problem, chalk it up to Imperfection™, but don't you dare question them because they are Jehovah's Annointed Ones™. If you dare to question them, then YOU, my friend, are an Apostate™, and you don't want to be one of THOSE people, do you?

    Imperfection™ covers a multitude of sins. Even the malicious, deliberate, well-thought out, manipulative, back-stabbing, hate-mongering, bigoted, hypocritical, mean-spirited, selfish, obnoxious, rude and ignorant Imperfect Humans™, who worship Jehovah, the god in whose image JWs were made. And vice versa.

  • transhuman68

    It is a cult of conformity. The individual and their problems don't matter.

  • thetrueone

    I firmly believe that elders should be making sure that witnesses are doing the right thing by the ex and children.

    They tend not to promote strong support for anyone not of the flock. ( particular if the ex was DFed )

    NON-JWS are evil people who should not be respected and association should be kept on a very limited basis.

    It seems the in-person obtains all the support from their JW friends , elders and everyone else.

    To some people the JW congregation is like an extended family, staying inside that family offers people a whole load

    of support when needed.

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