Is anyone else married to a believer? Is it possible to fade and still have a spouse in the org?
Yes and yes.
First off, I don't automatically agree that "you should be the last to leave" the WT organization. If you are able to sit through all the crap then you can do this. I don't automatically disagree anymore, either. It sounds great on paper, but it involves things that your own mind might not be able to cope with beyond a few months or longer.
But everyone is different. Once I realized things, it was a snowball rolling down the side of a mountain. Oh, I managed to keep quiet enough to fade but I couldn't keep sitting through meetings and going out in recruiting.
Anyway, I will tell you my thoughts, but my success in marriage rests highly in my wife's ability to compartmentalize these things. She doesn't spy for WTS. She feels that my spirituality is between me and Jehovah or between me and the Watchtower or whatever. She is disturbed by my course, but loves me and knows that I care about what's best for us.
But otherwise, I had to make attempts at freeing her mind, then I had to taper off. I had to respect her right to go to the KH as she respected my right not to go. I still reach her through efforts at seeing and hearing from her non-cult personality. I make her think for herself and I give comments in discussions that seem radical to a JW, but still make her think. Get RELEASING THE BONDS; EMPOWERING PEOPLE TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES from Amazon or or THe book will help you to see how to talk to cult members and how to reach them. I cannot do things the "Christian" way (replacing WTS with some other religion) but I also recommend HOW TO RESCUE YOUR LOVED ONES FROM THE WATCHTOWER by David Reed. (Amazon or just google it)
If JW's were just another religion, I would be okay with no effort at all to free her mind. But I view JW's as being heroine addicts. I managed to find a method to get off the drug and my wife is still hooked. I cannot abandon her for being something that (a) she was when we married (b) I was at one time or (c) something beyond her powers. I love my wife and I will stay with her and (as I am able) help her with her addiction.
The analogy isn't perfect. Being a JW is just like being a Catholic in that she has the right to be one and I should be respectful of her beliefs, then it is just like being a drug addict as mentioned above. SO sometimes I have to say something and other times I have to be respectful. It would be more like she is a drug addict that is 100% certain that she is handling the drugs properly (as if there were a way).
Anyway, get the books. Cost is not a factor when dealing with these people we love.