Yes late at night the roof creaks....and the older T.V {picture tube} makes a creaking sound when cooling down at night....of course at breakfast she thought it was demonzz because I had the Playstation...."violent game"on....which was Starwars not so demonized.
Had to convince my old Witness mum creaking in the roof and T.V set at night is not DEMONS!!!
by Witness 007 9 Replies latest jw experiences
cult classic
growing up my mom was the same way. so it's not just her age. whenever the bulbs were flashing she thought there were demons in the house and accused my jw father of bringing them in. she was terrified of any scary movie or odd commercial and would have a fit if she saw it on the t.v.
real nut job
real nut job
Or, perhaps, dear CC (peace to you!)... a relatively "normal" person whose childhood fears where never accurately explained [away], but instead exploited by the malintentioned, deceitful "offspring" of such demons...
Just a thought.
Again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
For the last 2 years of my mom's life she lived at my sister's house. She complained that she was subjected to demon attacks because of my sister's Catholic religious pictures, statues, etc. I could not convince her otherwise.
cult classic
Aguest - that may be part of it.... lol. but mostly she's a nut job.
AGuest, (peaceable peaceful peace to you) may you always have this peace because you are peaceful.....Anyway, are you for real? No un-peace intended it's just that to my peaceful self, your post sounds so confusing. Do you really believe that demons have offspring and if so how did they conceive, are there male and female demons? My dear slave of Christ I mean not to take away your peace I just need some explanation
A slave of life
again peace to you if I hadn't already said it.
Another reason why the Washtowel Slaveholdery wants children to do poorly in school and sabotages their school with boasting sessions so late on test night. Anyone with a basic 9th grade science education knows that things expand when they heat up (it's called thermal expansion). And, if it is windy, things are likely to make spooky noises, especially if it is raining after a hot day or there is a hot wind after a cool spell. Including the creaking noises you are likely to hear if the roof is not properly secured against such thermal expansion.
Also, a picture tube heats up when in use. Once you turn off the set, it starts to cool off. Some older picture tubes, particularly bigger ones, can creak as they cool down (you might hear a snap or crackle as it heats up, too). This is simply the picture tube moving relative to other components as they heat up or cool down, and is designed into the set. Of course, the witlesses, because they missed so many science courses because they had boasting sessions that let out late the night before, are bound to think it's demons. Because that is what the University of Asleep! teaches.
I am quite "for real", dear ldrnomo (the greatest of love and peace to you!). Facetious, perhaps, but real. Really real. I offer:
“Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are YOU to flee from the judgment of Ge·hen´na?"
" Offspring of vipers, how can YOU speak good things, when YOU are wicked?"
"The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Everyone who does not carry on righteousness does not originate with God, neither does he who does not love his brother."
I don't think it gets much "realer" than that.
Peace to you!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
cult classic
Aguest- I really thought you were joking....... ooooook.