This was plainly wierd. I'm telling this story to warn others of the power of mind control.
Not long after my marriage failed I met a darling photographer who has since become my wife. I walked away from the Borg, never to look back. We weren't living together (yet, we couldn't find anywhere) but we spent a lot of time and "evenings" together. Mrs. Hotspur suggested we visit this village in Dorset which was deserted druing WWII to facilitate D-Day training. The story is fascinating in it's own right but, so sad. Tyneham Village - Dorset.
Anyway, we went and had a good look around all the empty houses which was strangely eerie to say the least. Then we went into the church. I walked over to the lecturn and the Bible was open. Guess to what reference? Psalm 83! I was fairly new out so you can only begin to imagine the emotions that went through me. Here I was, with the woman who wasn't my wife and away from the Organisation that had been my life for 38 years! It was horrid. Mrs. Hotspur knew something was wrong but I just couldn't tell her. I've still not fully told her now, some 4 years later.
Don't let anybody tell you there is no such thing as mind control in this evil organisation - it's rampant and it's effects are deep and far-reaching. We've both hated that day. Neither of us really speak of it. I wonder if we should go back and put this 'demon' to bed.