i was having a casual chat with my little girl of 6 last night ansd she said she loved her cousins (her disfellowshipped aunties girls ) then she said we also have some other familie that we have not seEn for ages havnt we (i thought she had forgot them ) i said well thats because they belong to a silly religion that wont let them see us (her daddy is disfellowshipped ) she replied oh well lets go and see them instead then ! how do i handle that ?
a childs point of view of shunning
by looloo 7 Replies latest jw experiences
I can somewhat relate...my ex-wife is a recently reinstated witness and is teaching my daughters about the witnesses. (They are 4 and 6). My 6 year old is ok with celebrating holidays and birthdays with me and not with her mom, but at times she asks me why and all though I try to be respectful of her mom's beliefs, I have a hard time explaining it in terms she understands...
Hi looloo I know what you mean how on earth do you explain all this to a child. I am sorry you are having these problems.
Sending a PM
My daughter is 8, and as I da'd myself at 16years old (now 33), she has no knowledge from me of the JW world...but she has knowledge from my mom, my step father and my grandmother.
My mother and step father do not bother with my daughter really (see her once every 2-3 month), and they live in the same city. And of course this is ALL my fault (glad that excuse works for them), and to be honest as much as it bothers my daughter as to why we can not just stop by "Nana's", I am okay with it. The last time they saw her they made sure to give her a bible, and when they take her back to their place they speak with her all Jehovah and "the end". Which pisses me off because I know 1st hand the fear of thinking that you are going to die because your not JW or good enough.
My daughter loves them all (as much as she can for not really knowing them), but doesn't understand why they do not speak to me (unless it suits them), and all I can tell her is that it doesn't matter what they do to me...but that I will NEVER EVER do that to her. I don't think there is anything that can be said to children to make them understand...and their little heads( that absorb information like a sponge)shouldn't even be burdened with such crap in my opinion.
Just go see the relatives. I know of a circuit overseer who would see his disfellowshipped brother. My wife told me that at last week's circuit assembly that a witness relative was talking to her disfellowshipped son. The son does not live with her and has his own house and family.
I now regret not seeing relatives who have passed away.
little witch
You handle that by not exposing your precious children to discrimination. You your kids that you love them and no one can ever take that away no matter what, and you keep telling them that.
True Love can not be taken away. Not ever. Sounds simple, but its true
Oh! I see there are two of these going... I commented over here:
Hopeful4eva, please don't allow your child to be alone with jws, family or not. If they can't tolerate your df'd presence, then they don't deserve the company of your child...EVER. Their only motivation is to capture her heart and mind and eventually turn her against you.