This Morning I Saw...

by AGuest 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    THE biggest golden eagle I have ever seen (may you all have peace!)... and I have seen a few eagles in my time. Where I live, there are a LOT of birds of prey, from chicken and red-tailed hawks and falcons (SF has perrigrins)... to your regular run of the mill, big, honkin' turkey buzzards... and once, a pair of bald eagles (that were mating in-flight, which was really cool to see - one flies upside down!). And I've seen large birds, too. We have a lot of egrets and hurons and just a couple weekends ago I walked within, say, 20 feet of a HUGE blue heron (I had never seen one up close - we usually get the white ones around here).

    Ennyway... THIS golden eagle was HUGE. And I mean big. He was SO big that his wings didn't really flap. Rather, they kind of just, well, "flowed" up and down, all "heavy" like. I knew he (she?) was really big because of that.

    Anyway, it was a MAGNIFICENT thing to see... and gave my day a GREAT start.

    Just sharing...


    A slave of Christ,


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    That's a nice buzz to start your day.



  • awildflower


  • CandleLight

    Thanks for Sharing Shelby. I would love to have seen it. I love birds. :-)

  • journey-on

    Shelby, you may not put any stock in this, but, did you know that the eagle is an ancient symbol of spiritual vision without which the people perish? To native peoples around the world, the eagle was a symbol of great significance, for it was a symbol of the Creator. They believed, and still do, that the eagle connects one to the Great Spirit above. In ancient Egypt, the eagle was emblematic of illumination for it was the symbol of the day and the full light of the sun. In some cultures it was considered a messenger from the heavens.

    It can also be a sign of soaring freedom, of seeing life from new heights. And, of course, it is representative of the mission and identity of the American people, who some, early on, considered themselves Israelites and identified with that ancient people and their God. Washington and Adams were often referred to as "Moses" and "Joshua". Ennyways...I thought it was "interesting".

    I'm sure it was a GREAT thing to see and you were there in the right place at the right time to take it in. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  • AGuest

    Hmmmm.... very interesting, dear JO (peace to you!). I most probably identify more with bats, though, if we talking about things that fly (I mean, other than seraphs). Because I can HEAR great... actually, better'n great sometimes... but couldn't SEE jack until my lasik surgery about 5 years ago - LOLOLOLOL! Which IMHO was one of the best things I've ever done to my flesh and would recommend in a heartbeat! (But then, I guess I was also as blind AS a bat, too, so...)

    Ennyway, I understand what you're saying and if that bird was a "sign" of some sort, I don't know what. Maybe something like "fly low, child, cause you're really too heavy to go after the 'higher' stuff?" Hmmm... LOLOLOLOL!

    Anyway, PEACE to you, dear one!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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