THE biggest golden eagle I have ever seen (may you all have peace!)... and I have seen a few eagles in my time. Where I live, there are a LOT of birds of prey, from chicken and red-tailed hawks and falcons (SF has perrigrins)... to your regular run of the mill, big, honkin' turkey buzzards... and once, a pair of bald eagles (that were mating in-flight, which was really cool to see - one flies upside down!). And I've seen large birds, too. We have a lot of egrets and hurons and just a couple weekends ago I walked within, say, 20 feet of a HUGE blue heron (I had never seen one up close - we usually get the white ones around here).
Ennyway... THIS golden eagle was HUGE. And I mean big. He was SO big that his wings didn't really flap. Rather, they kind of just, well, "flowed" up and down, all "heavy" like. I knew he (she?) was really big because of that.
Anyway, it was a MAGNIFICENT thing to see... and gave my day a GREAT start.
Just sharing...
A slave of Christ,