There are many Witness friends of mine who tell me give me some hard evidence, of the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Malawi and Mexico cruelty endured hypocritically under the direction of the Society. Can you all help me oouut here for the sake of some good hearted ones.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Malawi and Mexico Fiasco
by Leprechaun 5 Replies latest jw friends
Ray Franz covers this extensively in his first book "Crisis of Conscience". I believe it's between pages 110 and 160 somewhere. I don't have it handy to give you a definitel page number.
"Crisis of Conscience" Chapter-Double Standards Pages 142-148 backed up with documentation
Mad Sweeney
Any Dub who was a Dub in the late 60s and early 70s knows about Malawi. The Borg used the persecution across both decades as a way to prove they were God's people.
It is the Mexico thing that is covered up. I certainly had never heard of it until I started digging into the truth.
Here is an excerpt from a website explaining it ( This was in the day of typed letters and copy machines were rare and primitive. There is a strong chance the Mexican Branch office got the one and only copy of the GB letters and it sits in a file drawer there to this day. It is doubtful we'll ever see it on the Internet.
In a letter dated February 4, 1960 from the Mexican Branch Office to the Bethel headquarters, the issue was squarely presented to the Society with a request for direction on the matter. The reply letter dated June 2, 1960, from the Society to the Mexican brothers unequivocally stated that the payment of such bribes in order to obtain the card and the holding of such cards was up to the "individual's personal conscience." The reply letter contained the provisos that should the brothers actually be called for military service that they would have to decide whether to remain neutral or not and also that if such conduct got them into "any difficulties" (i.e. legal trouble) that the Society could not "offer them any assistance."
Nine years later, in a letter dated August 27, 1969, the Mexican Branch Office again wrote the Society at Bethel inquiring whether the position outlined in its June 2, 1960 letter was unchanged given the fact that the brothers holding the cartilla would be in the "first reserve" of those called up.
In the reply letter dated September 5, 1969, the Society confirmed its earlier position with respect to allowing the Mexican brothers to obtain a military service card (without taking up arms, i.e. by paying the bribes) if their individual conscience so permitted. -
Aussie Oz
Unfortunatley you must be prepared for them to accuse anything you present as apostate lies, fake documents and questionable source.
Unless it it printed in the watchtower they will not likely believe you... and then, even if it was they might still not believe you.