Has anyone done a synopsis on the information provided at http://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/default.html#chapters, where the WTS association with the UN is justified?
Retort to jehovahsjudgment.co.uk regarding UN needed
by jwfacts 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thanks AuntBee. I cannot read all the information yet as I am at work, but it looks like an interesting site.
hi all
thanks JWF and AuntBee for this.
interesitng stuff about exposing UN stuff etc but anyone have anything about debunking their arguments on 607. i mean other than common sense
they put across interesting arguments on http://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk regarding 607 and it would be useful if their were an article debunking them out there. i could write my own bu am lazy today and hope their is one out there
WildeLover - CLICK HERE - poster Jeffro has critiqued the site's arguments in 6 parts. Look for topics beginning '607 website.'
Edit: Jeffro's website - http://jeffro77.wordpress.com/response-to-607-website/
Thanks Ann. had a quick look and its looks very promising.
will dig down deep on that one durin week when brain is engaged :-)
cheers me dear
Thanks Ann. had a quick look and its looks very promising.
Hi fellas...
I'm resurrecting this thread with a question;
On http://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk there is an extensive multi-part article trying to defend the Watchtower organization. On the page titled Simple English Article for Translators there is a reference to the 1991 UN NGO applicant form (4 pages).
On page 1 of that form, under section 2 there is item c "Web site". Well, the web as we knew it before the 2000's didn't come into existence before 1993!
- Given this form is a legitimate 1991 UN NGO applicant form, how likely would they list Web site as part of the contact information?
- Doesn't the mentioning of the term "Web site" implies that the document listed on that website has been forged?
- Can anyone here back it up?
Kind regards!
Why bother? The "jehovahsjudgment" website uses such lame arguments to refute the reality of the WT's hypocrisy that to refute it would be an exercise in futility.
Anyone that would fall for their "smoke and mirrors" obfuscation would not likely be persuaded with a logical refutation of all its arguments.