You guys already know the saga of me trying to get my house back from the family of JW relatives who have taken over oldest who is younger than THEIR deadbeat staying at the house until he goes to college having completed his lease in March. He told my ex that his aunt is acusing him of being a squatter in his OWN frickin HOUSE and telling him that he was only supposed to stay a MONTH...and that he is eating her kids FOOD and making him feel VERY uncomfortable and VERY unwelcome in the very house HE BUILT which is NOT OWNED BY HER!
What the hell is the matter with these people???? I am PISSED OFF ROYAL and when he told my ex about what his lovely JW sister was saying and implying to him, my ex at first tried to poo poo it and say she was kidding. My oldest about came out of his skin and told him to STOP MAKING EXCUSES for these people and DO something about it and NOT to say she was kidding when he knows damn well she ISNT.
If I was consumed with getting them out of my house before....they just doubled my resolve. They gotta GO.