Brilliant video on Mind Control Cults.
by iknowall558 8 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, I first saw this one about 18 months ago. Very good, indeed! Any JW should see the similarities.
All I can say is WOW! Just.... wow...
thank you......
WOW! Such a great video. So scary how easily it is done. No wonder we were all under their spell. This should be mandatory viewing prior to joining anything . . . oh right but people wouldn't join then.
Thanks for sharing.
In my journey through Protestant-Land in the past ten years the number of Pastors with the Rock Star complex was surprising, but many are trained in the posing techniques at their seminary. The top of the heap prize goes to Assembly of God pastor Synder, went to his home even, there was a genuine creepy guy.
Mad Sweeney
Good videos but I have to complain about something, right? I didn't like the shooting in the head parts. Too over-the-top and may shock the viewer out of the message, IMO.