The Watchtower organization is now reporting to the media on their upcoming district conventions and how wonderful they will be for the Witnesses and what a privilege it will be for the community to host them, and even for the convention center janitors, as the Witnesses will be taking care of all the cleaning. What the Watchtower media department isn't releasing is all of the bad press the Organization has been getting lately. J.W. elder murdered in Oregon at the Kingdom Hall, 62 year old Anthony William Gray admitted to going to the Kingdom Hall because he knew children would be present, which gave him sexual gratification, 15 year old devote Jehovah's Witness, Joshua McAuley who died this month for refusing a blood transfusion are just a few of the headlines the Organization doesn't want the Witnesses to see. Tonight on the Six Screens of the Watchtower conference call we will be talking about "Murder and mayhem in Jehovah's spiritual paradise". Join us on the call at 7p.m.EST tonight Saturday May 22. It's easy to get on the call. Just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Our lines open at 6:30 EST. So come in early and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower".
"Murder and mayhem in Jehovah's spiritual paradise".
by koolaid-man 3 Replies latest jw friends
it's called PR for a reason?
Wasanelder Once
You are a hate monger Rick.
He is seriously unbalanced, your out, your ok, go get a GD life already...