Maybe I spoke to soon about all being quiet on the JW front in my.......ehhhhhh........ so-called relationship with my Dub Baby Dad. Well, this doesnt come strictly from a JW doctrine, it is a practice. The words "headship" was used numerous times, also "head of house", "man of house", and "submit". On with the show!
My dad is a practicing Episcopalian. Mass every Sunday, sterotypical Anglican. His relationships with my mother, and his fiance were/are partnerships. They make all decisions together, if my Dad went behind my future step-mom's back and made a choice without her, she would be PISSED (she can be shrill, too, glass shatteringly shrill). Well, Humpty DuBty decided to call my Dad and ask him for something that concerned me without my knowledge, nor did he include my future-stepmother in this discussion. Man to man, so he says, he is the man of the house!
*Buries face in hands*
I told him if he wanted to do that, he shoulda waited until I was out and came over and consulted them both. Now my stepmother will assume I knew about this and it will undoubtly start a huge issue between them and I will be put in the middle. They will fight about it. I freaked when he told me what he did. He said he was respecting my father's "headship". My father, evidently was polite to him and knew from where he was coming from and I had no idea about the call until Dub-ope On A Rope informed me of it at around midnight. My step-mom ain't so understanding. She has told him before where he can stick his opinions on women. She will see this move as disrespectful and underhanded. I don't know if she knows about the call yet, but my father WILL tell her.
I need a drink. Several.