I have never figured out how to copy and paste to this forum since I got an Apple and my typing sucks so I apologize...
anyway JWoods....why does it have to be either/or as far as which is more important? Is the oil spill NOT harming the whales as well as other wildlife? The harm to the health of humans is abhorrent, let alone financial and emotional issues these folks now have to deal with.
This is what Obama promised, "As president, I will ensure that the U.S. provides leadership in enforcing international wildlife protection agreements, including strengthening the international moratorium on commercial on commercial whaling. Allowing Japan to continue commercial whaling is unacceptable. As president, I will also work with my scientific advisors to develop a strategy to protect marine life and ensure that the mechanisms we choose to implement that strategy are effective. My administration will ensure that sound science - not ideology or profits - guides federal environmental policy." - Obama, June 2008
His administration is now championing a deal with the International Whaling Commission that would re-open commercial whaling for the first time in two decades. Unacceptable!
Please go to Greenpeace to sign the petition and tell the president to KEEP HIS PROMISE AND SAVE THE WHALES!!!!