All say it with me:"Shake the shackles off...

by BritBoy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • BritBoy

    It seems to me that this board of late is on fire!! Almost every post has little fires burning outside it. What is going on, volatile posts and replies? I mean I have just read some post about not wanting to bring newly uninterested ones to the board as it is full of shite! Come on people... when are going to shake those JW shackles off... there is room for all types of opinions and feelings on this board! For those who post, read what it says beneath the subject line "Please use a title that clearly describes the subject without being too general." If it is something that sounds boring or of no interest then do not click on it AND DO NOT read it!! There are no "HAVE TO's" on this board. The days of being told we have to do one thing or another are far behind us. What I enjoy about this board is that I have made some new friends, I have shared something of myself and I have learned shitloads about other ex dubs like myself and taken comfort in the fact that I am not alone. Perhaps there are others out there who, like me, have a partner that was never a JW and has NO IDEA what I went thru or how much of an effect it had on me! All I am trying to say is just to let people be on this board!! We ALL have one major thing in common, we were all fucked over, albeit different amounts, by the Borg. Other than that we are just people. What I believe or feel is important may be of absolutely no interest or importance to someone else... BUT there have been several posts where I have learned something... Come on everyone, shake those shackles off and boogie! We are Free!! Free minds, free voices, free thoughts....FREE

    Britty Baby!

  • Valentine

    WTG Britboy,
    Your post ties in with mine in the exJw civility thread. Problem is too many dont even realize they are still shackled,or their worldviews are way out of touch with the times,antique even,hugs,Tina

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • teenyuck

    I agree with both of you! I am very glad this board is here. I love reading others debates and issues.

    BTW, my name is Tina!

  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim

    when are going to shake those JW shackles off

    It takes time. Coming out of JWdom is a long process. I had been out for 4 years when I discovered "apostate" sites, and even then I felt a certain uneasyness at first. And I have a thick skin! But we're dealing with very deep emotions here. That's why I reserve my most poisonous and insidious attacks (whoa!) for long-time apostates and spare the newbies

    Joseph Joachim, an overly-enthusiastic pundit of borderline reality

  • Englishman

    Bloody well said, Britboy!

    If dont want to read fluff, then I don't read it. It is usually very obvious by the title. With 4000+ posters there is always going to be some garbage here. So what?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • JanH


    Come on people... when are going to shake those JW shackles off...

    There is a tendency to apply any characteristic of people we don't like (or disgaree with) to their JW past.

    I suspect many have not spent too much time on online fora about other subjects. What many here attribute to "jw shackles" is evident in any group of people online. If anything, this board is tame compared to most places I've been.

    Professor Goodwin postulated a law on Usenet discussion (which certainly applies to boards as well as mailing lists), which states that as the length of a discussion thread grows, the probability approaches one that one participant will compare his opponents to Hitler or Nazism. The custom has evolved that the first party to utter "Hitler" or "Nazi" has lost the discussion, and the thread terminates (my observation: no it doesn't!).

    On exJW-fora, I'd make a suggested addendum. Sooner or later someone will compare his or her opponents to the JWs or the WTS. "You still think like a JW" is somehow the ultimate insult. And in the vast majority of cases it is ill-applied and misleading.

    How anyone can state that a tendency to bicker and express disagreement is "jw-like" is pretty much beyond me. On the contrary, expressing disagreement is an important part of the process of breaking free. Needless to say, many go way overboard in this (both content and form). It is a general problem of text-only fora (like this, and any other you typically find online) that people show less restraint in throwing insults than they would do in real life face to face situations. It has nothing to do with the JW past.

    - Jan

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