Is it common to push the limits but staying on the safe side?

by dgp 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    I imagine that all the stress and demands a Jehovah's witness has to withstand, plus the always-present fear that they can never be sure they are actually going to be spared at Armageddon, eventually force the person to wonder whether it is really worth it. It would be something like "I don't know if I will be spared. Why don't I push the limits to the very end, so I can have more of a normal life, and yet technically be on the safe side?"

    I wonder if this frame of thinking is common, and whether it could eventually result in the person leaving the Watchtower.

    I will appreciate any posts.

  • straightshooter

    I have not seen this in my association with the witnesses.

  • VoidEater

    It is a universal human process to test limits and find boundaries. This is true for physical space, emotional relationships, scientific exploration, and social institutions (to name a few). Not every individual may test the limits very far, but the process is in virtually every person.

    Parents understand this first hand.

    Everyone wants to know where the boundaries are. They will find them first hand or by observing others.

  • Cagefighter

    That was my attitude when I believed. I thought thats why were spent so much time calculating the date. So we could party it up and get back in good at the end.

  • undercover
    It would be something like "I don't know if I will be spared. Why don't I push the limits to the very end, so I can have more of a normal life, and yet technically be on the safe side?"

    Some do think like this. That's why the WTS keeps pushing about not being any part of the world. They counsel against making friends with worldly classmates, workmates, etc. They even counsel against too much association with worldly family. They know that if you get too close to a "normal" life, that you might just decide to go with that instead of working extra hard to serve them.

    I wonder if this frame of thinking is common, and whether it could eventually result in the person leaving the Watchtower.

    I think it's more common than's just that not everyone verbalizes their innermost thoughts when they're a JW. To do so brings inquisitions and punishment.

    And it does cause some to leave. My exit was partly doubting the teachings and realizing I just couldn't do it anymore. It was too much.

  • miseryloveselders

    I think its quite common to push the limit by not doing all thats expected of one. This is a religion that bases salvation by works, however people often enough only do the minimum to keep the Elders off their backs. I'd venture to say when it comes to field service, many could put in more hours than what they're turning in. It's not a case of health problems, or other responsibilities. I really believe its a simple as......... they just don't want to go out in field service for a number of reasons. Some guys, well I guess most nowadays, really don't want to reach out and become Servants or Elders. This past Tuesday at the Service Meeting we went over an article discussing Pioneering, I believe the title was, "You'd Make a Great Pioneer!" 95% of the people who commented during the part, barely average the national average. A good percentage of those I'd be willing to bet fudge their numbers. In the book that was released last year, I cannot recall the name of it now and I'm at work. Its the one with JAracz, and Barr looking at the globe and admiring the org's progress towards the front of the book. In that same book, there's a page towards the back, that shows two men out in field service, and the one is looking at his watch and has a look on his face that speaks, "well thats it for me today!", while the other guy is looking at him with dissapointment for not sharing his enthusiasm for the ministry. That picture represents most dubs IMO. That same reasoning can be found in other decisions that the common dub makes. Meanwhile we're constantly being admonished to do all we can do for Jehovah. Dubs are consicously doing just enough to not lose their minds.

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