Stem-Cell Dental Implants Grow New Teeth Right In Your Mouth. Is This Dr Kidding? Please, read this link and see.
by Scott77 8 Replies latest social current
Stem-Cell Dental Implants Grow New Teeth Right In Your Mouth. Is This Dr Kidding? Please, read this link and see.
This is just the beginning.
It will be interesting to see how far this biotech will develop. The potential is incredible.
Quoting Star Trek: The Voyage Home: "The Doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney!"
I agree with BTS... this is just the beginning
"The Doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney!"
... Women who are pregnant should not take KidneyQuik™, as it may increase the risk of birth defects. If you currently have 3 or more kidneys, ask your doctor if KidneyQuik™ is right for you....
- Lime
LOL @ HintOfLime for metioning " 3 or more kidneys"
It may be the beginning, but it is a long road from the laboratory to regular treatment. I know I've watched the journey.
HintOfLime... LOL: KidneyQuik™ priceless!