I read that according to an American study, Jehovah's Witnesses have the highest member turnover of any religion.Why do you think this is? Why is it that although, compared with other religions, so many people are getting baptised yet a large chunk of members are also leaving the Watchtower Society? Is there something instrinsic to the Society that makes it difficult to stay in?
by dorayakii 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Full analysis here: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/statistics.php
High turnover rate is probably a sign that there isn't full disclosure before baptism - people find out the dirty stuff only after they join. It's common for sects in general. People don't expect much of the Catcholich church for example, and they are not dissapointed. But they do expect the "God's people" that's advertised for JWs, and they find just the usual judgemental smug people.
... ok, 2 glasses of sangria can't be blamed for making me write catholic like that Now I can't edit my post for some reason, it keeps giving me an error. Also I wanted to say you should give a title to your topic.
you can edit the title in 30 minutes from your very first post of this thread. Hurry up! Go to the yellow pencil on the right side and edit it.
Black Sheep
Is there something instrinsic to the Society that makes it difficult to stay in?
They say Jesus chose them in 1919 ............... he didn't.
What more do you need?
Yeah, I can't either. I tried to insert the website but I got an error message...
Aussie Oz
Even my 13 year old daughter realized the non disclosure the other day. we were talking about how the baptism book does not talk about shunning, that its only after that you realize the hugeness of it...
she went "so its like signing a contract with fine print"!
there are some interesting figures that are never disclosed too.
okay, dora, well shit happens.
High turnover rate is probably a sign that there isn't full disclosure before baptism - people find out the dirty stuff only after they join.
If I had known BEFORE I got dunked what I found out after I got baptized I would have told the cult and my family to Eff themselves.