What Do You Expect Out Of Life Now???

by mysteriouslady 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • mysteriouslady

    What expectations do you have from life? How would you like life overall to treat you? What states of mind do you reach into for attainment upon your life goals? How have you filled the void left from the WT? What strategies have you employed to experience further upon life attainable goals? What adjustments have you had to make? How much of these attunements were an emotional struggle? Do you feel better now for it? Have you any lessons learnt to pass along to others now going through those same emotions you once experienced?

    Your expectation of life. Do you feel better or more muddled than ever before? How might you now go about remedying the situation, if you perceive it in negative light? Any lessons learnt?

    The overall objectivity of life. Ever attainable? By what mechanisms? When the shit really hits the pan, what emotional strengths have you pulled upon to get you through?

    What do you expect from life now?

    Out of curiosity and interest.


    (Mysteriouslady is the romantic, poetical half of my mind, that keeps male rational Celtic in check)

  • picosito

    Some of what I do is, interestingly, watch Clint Eastwood movies (esp. spaghetti ones), The Wild Bunch, Django (makes Eastwood movies look like Oscar winners), Back to the Future I, II and III, and eat pizza. I think I'm stuck somewhere, but maybe I'll be able to widen my horizons sometime. I remember years back to when I was supposed to be at the Sunday meeting with responsibilities but played hooky to watch Pale Rider and High Plains Drifter all by myself at home. It felt like a much richer spiritual experience than attending the meeting. BTW, Harry Callahan in Magnum Force already had a solution to airline terrorism. Watch it if you haven't already done so. I guess basically I'm trying to ENJOY my life, which was not very possible as a JW.

  • rhett

    sex. lots and lots of sex.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

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