I think that because I never made a formal prayer like they say your supposed to before getting baptized. I never said yes to the questions they asked at the convention before I got dipped. I just went through the motions. I was doing it because I felt forced to. My mom totally agrees and told me she was sorry if she pushed baptism on me. Neither she nor my dad ever did. They would ask once in a while but it wasn't a force thing from my parents. It was everyone else that made me feel like I had to do it. My grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, but mostly it was my little sister. She is 2 and a half years younger than me and she was doing it, so I felt I had to also. I was getting asked all the time when I was going to do it. I was 19 years old at the time so well over the age of getting in the new system on my parents coat tails.
My mom agrees that my baptism is not valid. However that won't help me because I'm DA ed anyway. She did mention re-baptism someday when I'm ready. LOL Like that will ever happen. I would never get reinstated just to annul my so called baptism then do it again. LOL Keep dreaming mom!!!
I also told her I lied on my service reports. She said but you had to go out in order to be baptised. I said no you don't you just have to fill out the form saying you did.