Just watched the new video where these 7 men were mentioned. Do I remember correctly that some of these left Rutherford's gang after a couple of years?
How many of those 7 men who went to prison in 1918 stayed with Rutherford?
by Nostromo 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Joseph F. Rutherford
William E. Van Amburgh,
William E. VanAmburgh (d. 1947, age 83): Secretary/Treasurer of the Watch Tower. Originally from South Dakota. A man of financial integrity. Some gift for writing, including poetry.
Robert J. Martin
Frederick H. Robinson
Fredrik Homer Robison (1885-1932): Formerly Disciples of Christ, later a personal secretary to Pastor Russell. Perhaps the most scholarly in the Watch Tower office.
George H. Fisher (one of the authors along with Clayton Woodworth of the Finished Mystery)
George H. Fisher (d. 1926) : Another in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Active also in the German Watch Tower. (In 1926 urged the German classes to disfellowship J. F. Rutherford.)
Clayton P. Woodworth
Clayton Woodworth (d. 1951, age 81): A bright idea-man, living in Scranton, Pennsylvania. In 1907 he had assembled a Bible commentary from Watch Tower publications, called the Berean Comments.
Giovanni DeCecca
Robert H. Hirsh
Robert H. Hirsh (d. 1949): An able journalist.
(Warrant for the arrest of R.H. Hirsh was also issued, but he had already resigned under pressure; so the warrant likely was not pursued.)
A. Hugh MacMillan
Alex Hugh MacMillan (b. 1877): The greatest orator the ibsa had. Widely known for his September 1914 discourse, “I Am Ready to Be Offered,” in which he said, “This is positively my last public address on this side of the veil [meaning in this life].” But Pastor Russell then persuaded him to speak at the New York Temple the following Sunday. (MacMillan did not get along well with A. I. Ritchie and several others at the Bethel home.) He apparently was given charge of the Brooklyn Bethel, home for the Watch Tower workers, in 1916.
I know slightly about Mr. Frederick H. Robinson (1885 - 1932).
http://www.gtft.org/BibleStudents/FHRobisonJailed.htmlIn 1922, he left from the organization.
He has visited Japan with Russell.
He is the 5th person from the left of that photograph.