Scient ists in the United States, Asia,
and Eu ro pe lau nched well-funded resea
rc h prog rams using met hods that
promised to speed up evolution. After
more than 40 years or intensive research.
what were the results? "In spite of an
enonnous financial expenditure," says researcher
Peter von Sengbusch, "the attempt
to cultivate increasingly productive
varieties by irradi ation Ito cause
mutations J, widely proved to be a failure."
21 And Lonnig sa id: "By the 1980's,
the hopes and euphoria among scienti sts
had ended in worldwide failure. Mutation
breeding as a separate branch of research
was abandoned in Western countries. Almost
all the mutants died or were
weaker than wild varieties.""
Even so, the data now gathered from
some 100 yea rs of mutation research in
general and 70 years of mutation breeding
in particular enable scientists to draw
conclusions regard ing the ability ofmutalions
to produce new species. After exami
ning the evidence, Lonnig concluded:
"Mutations cannot transfonn an original
species (of plant or animal] into an entirely
new one. This conclusion agrees
with all the expe riences and results of
mutation resea rch of th e 20th century
taken together as well as with the laws of
• Mutution experiments repeatedly found that the
number of Ilew mutants steadily declined. while the
same type of mutants regularly appeared. In addition.
less than I percent of plant mutations were chosen for
further research. and less than I percent of this group
were found suitable for commercial usc. However. not
one entirely new species was ever created. The results
of mutation breeding in animals were even worse than
in plants. and the method was abandoned entirely.
So, can mutations cause one species
to evolve into a completely new kind of
creature? The evidence answers no! Lonnig's
research has led him to the conclusion
that "properly defined species have
real boundaries that cannot be abolished
or transgressed by accidental mutations."
So a group of scientists try to mimic a process that takes billions of years in a few decades and fail... Does that mean that mutations cannot produce new species? No, it proves that we cannot mimic the process of evolution.
Just because this Lonnig jackass became so dejeceted by his scientific failure doesn't mean he's correct in his cunclusion!
Grrr, this kind of stuff is EASY to find the massively flawed logic, but I know so many creationists eat this crap up.