It seems there are sooo many who sense something is wrong, or not right. Everyone who just 'fades' or is dfed or no longer a jw, it's all assumed for immoral reasons or they just want to lead a 'worldly' lifestyle. Some do, don't believe in God and that's their choice. For those who leave for 'biblical' reasons, and that what is taught is against the bible, actually leave on conscience grounds, if leaving, why not set the story straight, let all know why?
If trying to stay and continue, that's one thing. I bet if a certain day all those getting ready did at same time and all let all know why, that would wake some up.
Or how about asking questions during meeting?
Example......upcoming forgot if the 4/15 or 6/15 WT, but an article on the holy spirit guiding the organization. They quote Ez, which speaks of the chariot, and it's talking about the 'living creature' (same ones in Revelation/cherubs) and whatever it thinks is the way the chariot goes. Then they claim it's the holy spirit. So would love to see some ask during the WT, "I got a question here, it seems its saying the 'living creature' and we all know the holy spirit is a 'force', so can you explain how that is supposed to be the holy spirit?
"Evidently" whoever wrote that article has no idea what they are talking about.
I can't stand the lies and twisting, when I do go, I will be sure to show SCRIPTUALLY why, and many examples of what is being twisted.
As for existing friends and ties, are they really your friends? So many fake, so very few sincere.