Yes a Circuit Oversear, Brother Al Gore gave a talk at the District Convention in 2003 saying that in a "few years from now" New York, China, and many other countries will be deep under water. The world would be completely destroyed. He pulled out some "calculations" and "Graphs" and Pyramid measurements to prove this was happening now! We had to change our lives since we are living in this time of the end, and all the sinners using lots of electricity will be destroyed.
I would like to stick my "carbon footprint" boot in someones ass! I"m against pollution but if you read some weather books, you will see we are just coming out of an ice age....Siberia used to by HAWAII for God sake! You've all been BRAINWASHED like the Witnesses with false information.
In 1980 some scientist predicted "The Jupiter effect".....all the planets were to allign causing earths destruction as the documentary showed......but nothing happened.