The April 15th WT, where it's all talked about......
First in par 12 speaks of how the holy spirit operates as illustrated by the chariot, yet it's speaking about the cherub and the living creature there. They then apply that to 'as you already know' if there is a heavenly organization then there would be an earthly one. it speaks of the 'wonderful new light', and how the 'faithful and discreet slave classroom' been using the WT to study.
Then an example of this 'new light'. Consider the generation Jesus spoke of in Matt. THEN we get to the good part, "'Evidently' Jesus meant....., and it was evident.....".
The SHORT questions. Please explain to me, how the spirit directed them with this new understanding? What scriptures did it come from? HOW HOW HOW did Jesus EVIDENTLY mean this? WHAT IS SO EVIDENT? Where is the scriptural backing, or did they use a blank WT as toilet paper and printed what was on it after wiping their hiney as the new explanation? How did it go from those annointed in 1914 would not die until the end, to those who were alive to understand what was going on 'reasonably 15 years of age or older', to those 8 years of age or older, to anybody born in 1914, to the overall time period of 1914, to this overlapping generation of annointed people? What was the scriptual backing and spirit?