I hope this doesn't sound to insensitive but even when Iwas an active dub I wondered how the elders could listen to peoples sexual scenarios without getting at least a bit of a thrill. I'm a bit of a voyuer at heart so maybe I am making the wrong assumption but it seems to me to be human nature. I have never been called before a judicial committee but I have talked to others who have and they are often pressed for lots of detail. Where, when, how many times what positions? oral? anal? vaginal? masturbation etc. So what's the scoop does the Holy Spirit keep you from feeling anything improper? am I a perv? or is this somewhat typical. (I am a woman I can only imagine it would be worse for guys) but please set the record straight.
Do JC facts turn the elders on?
by hungry4life 8 Replies latest social relationships
Hi hungry,
This very scenario has been brought up in this forum before. Therefore, you would be safe to assume that this is somewhat typical. It's been noted that they question the "sisters" more closely on the gory details than they do the 'brothers'. (Who knows what those dear elders do with all that extra sexual energy,LOL)
Oh, and the judicial committees have nothing to do with holy spirit! It's all about getting facts, getting some decision reached, and getting the person dealt with swiftly (not helped).
GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) -
Thanks Gopher, I realize that the holy spirit wasn't involved but thought that might be one of the ways they reason on it. It's so interesting that the bible says not to judge and yet they form judicial commitees. I don't recall it saying let only the elders judge.
were you wearing thongs or regular panties?
(this suposedly tells them the "intent" of the sister in question, whehter she was trying to seduce the brother)
Of course they get a thrill, and they ask because they can get away with it....
Which hand?
Which breast?Does it matter? NO.
Sky -
Ahem... personal experience here... I am a bloke. I got "caught" when I was 16 (unbaptized) "messing" around with another brother who was almost two years older than me. His daddy was an elder. Mine was not. Soooo I got hauled in front of a JC WITH me father sitting next to me and I get asked loads of questions! Oral, where when etc etc you get the picture!! HOWEVER with my father sitting there and another "Brother" on the JC, it was difficult for Bro BXXXN to ask me all the juicy questions he wanted to. I was publically reproved(unbaptized), the other person involved got off completely! (Dad was an elder...he married six months later... just before his 19th B'day...this was his "Cure" for his feelings). The only thing I was allowed to do other than attend meetings and sit there like a vegetable was the ministry work... So a few weeks later Bro BXXXN invited me out in the field and said afterwards we could go back to his for coffee (Should have known then!!). So off we went back to his place afterwards and then he started with the REAL questions he wanted answered!!! He sat me down in his lounge, with a cuppa coffee and asked me some really heavy questions... what did it taste like? What did it feel like? Was I being sucessful in fighting the urges since all this? etc etc After a few minutes my face was crimson (I was only 16) and I could not take my eyes off the coffee in front of me. I was answering these questions thinking this was being driven by the holy spirit... only I looked up and Bro BXXXN had the biggest ERECTION I had ever seen and his hand was on it (he kept it inside his trousers). Bro BXXXN was married with two kids... a son older than me...
so in answer to your question... YES they are turned on.
Brit xx
They wouldn't have made the cane if you weren't meant to break the rules!
"What position", "Which breast" "Which Hand"?
Dear god, I'm glad I was never asked that type of thing in a JC. I remember being asked how many times, how did your conscience feel, etc. but nothing perverse.
I have heard of this type of probing (pardon the pun) before.
I believe most of the elders (like the GB) are sexually frustrated and repressed. One sister recently told my wife that an elder on the JC asked her if she "enjoyed it", referring to the act she confessed to. -
My mother was DF'd when I was about 15. She fornicated one time with her long time worldly boy-friend. She really only did it once. I know.
She came home from a date crying and 'confessed' to me. I was only 15. I was not really sure what intercourse was. She went into great detail. She insisted she had to confess to the elders, otherwise, Jehovah would not save her.
I begged her not to. I told her she had told me, that was enough.
Well, she went and told them a long, lurid tale of being felt up, missionary, doggy, etc. She came home even more upset. She was immediately DF'd.
She was repentant. She never did it again. My mother cannot keep a secret. I was her sounding board for every foible.
She was more upset because they asked her in excruciating detail what she did. She said "fat Brother Lester had an erection! It was disgusting!"
Bottom line, yes, they get turned on by the "facts."
Thank You for your honest answers especially to Britboy and Puffsrule for relating those very personal experiences, I am sorry for what happened to you both (and your mom puffs). This is very sad I thought that from a human stand point they could probably not help but get a bit of a thrill, but to actually dig for the information, make people feel guilty for their human errors and then use that information for their own sick pleasure that is just too much.