The Spanish dilemma now hitting the W.T. org...conference call Saturday June 19,2010

by koolaid-man 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    The Watchtower Organization now finds themselves in a major predicament and a very puzzling situation concerning the Spanish J.W.s. All through the 80s and 90s the org. put forth great efforts to attract the Hispanics. Many English speaking J.W. servants were sent to Spanish speaking congregations to learn to speak the Spanish language and help their servant body. More Spanish literature was printed, and many assemblies and conventions were held for the Spanish only. The W.T.s aggressive recruitment efforts are now backfiring and the org. is finding themselves in a crucial situation. Many Spanish Witnesses are now feeling betrayed by the W.T. and are "packing their bags". The Hispanics are very family oriented and so many are driven by emotion and they will not allow an organization to "split them up" and shun family members for not agreeing with the Watchtower. The org. "smells the trouble ahead" and recently the governing body announced that it is shutting down central American branches. Our scheduled guest on the "six screens of the Watchtower" conference call will be alias Alex who served in Bethel in a South American country and Jose Soto who recently left the Witnesses. You won't believe what is going on in the Spanish congregations including illegal immigration! It's easy to get on the call, no computer is necessary, just dial 712-432 8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Our program starts at 7p.m.EST. Our lines open at 6:30 p.m.for the pre-conference program. So dial in early and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower."

  • WTWizard

    Good. I hope that puts them in a pickle. Already, as a group Hispanics within the US donate less because they tend to have less. And, if they leave the cancer, they won't donate anything or be able to be counted.

    I think they are going to have to get really creative in faking those time slips and statistics if they are to claim more than 7 million--which I think they are already faking quite a few of those.

  • shopaholic

    The W.T.s aggressive recruitment efforts are now backfiring and the org. is finding themselves in a crucial situation. Many Spanish Witnesses are now feeling betrayed by the W.T. and are "packing their bags". The Hispanics are very family oriented and so many are driven by emotion and they will not allow an organization to "split them up" and shun family members for not agreeing with the Watchtower.

    I believe it. Saw this happening while serving where the need is greater in a spanish-speaking country. Knew it would only be a matter of time before the euphoria wore off with spanish-speaking persons the States. They tend to be very "law" driven and not really concerned about doctrine (from my experience, but that's also true of most JWs). But don't try to bust up their family!

    You won't believe what is going on in the Spanish congregations including illegal immigration!

    Yes I would.

  • heathen

    If the government won't do anything about the illegals then it's pointless for us to discriminate , we might as well just get used to it . They can count themselves lucky if they get shunned , I shun those idiots . I'm sick and tired of their stupid sh**!

  • besty

    about 170 articles in Spanish

  • Gayle

    For a while JW Japan were increasing so much so quickly,,now no increases any more for some time. I am sad for the Hispanic countries of JWs that are going through disappointment. The lack of love and harshness from the organization will be very clear for them and intolerable. These cultures that rely on 'family' for survival, and family to care of their aging is more critical. The aging GB don't have family, don't need family, don't want family as they have unquestioning JW slaves to take care of them.

    The increasing JWs in other countries, the very, very poor countries in third world like Far East and Africa, will hit this reality also, and will leave as quickly or more quickly.

    The worst thing against a cult is 'time.' (And the Internet)

  • mentallyfree31

    I actually attended a spanish hall some for a while before my exit. I was learning the language. But I was never in it deep enough to see any of the problems that you mention. But, sounds like great news to me. Hispanics are definitely a family-oriented culture.


  • Gayle

    To Jose and Alex,

    I just listened to the taping of the Six Screens conference call you were on a couple weeks ago. I so enjoyed your comments. I, too, so hope for the Hispanics to see exposure of the Watchtower Society. I once had been in a congregation in Phoenix, AZ. in mid-70s - mid-80s (Sun City congregation-Engish) where there was a good group of bilingual JWs. They were such a good loving group and just clearly accepted so much teachings, giving benefit of any possible doubt, when likely not understanding a lot. Of course, English speaking JWs, non-Hispanics, do also just accept, though not really understanding. I hope for Hispanics to start leaving as quickly (with their 'word of mouth' gift). I know the WTS has so taken advantage of their trust. And I hope, not to offend, but for a 'Montezuma Revenge' on the Watchtower. Bounce I think Jose with you and other Spanish-speaking ex-JWs, you are very helpful in getting these facts out about this very unloving organization. I, and my 4 siblings (4 of us had been in Brooklyn Bethel long ago) and our dad all left the Watchtower. We were a strong open hearted and very openly expressive with each other and still are. We have now a very large and extended family(15 of next generation) and we are proudly complimented by our Hispanic friends that we are like a 'Mexican' family. I certainly wish for the best for you as your strength, talents and gifts are so needed. Gayle Minette McCurdy Phoenix, AZ.

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