Our discussion of data sets reminded me of a clipping that was on the wall of my Dad's lab years ago. It was from one of the major journals. I can't remember all of them but it went something like this:
"It is known that..."
"I think."
"It is generally known that..."
"A couple of other guys think so too."
"It has long been know that..."
"I'm too lazy to look up the original reference."
"A careful analysis of available data..."
"My notes were obliterated when I knocked over a glass of beer."
"Typical results are shown."
"Best results are shown."
"One test will be examined in detail."
"The results of the others didn't make any sense."
"I'd like to think bohm for his technical assistance and Besty for valuable discussions."
"Bohm did the work and Besty explained it to me."