In the San Fernando Valley area down just north of Los Angeles. He was the CO in 1996. How's he doing and where's he at now? Thanks.
Anybody know of Harley Brenneman, Circuit Overseer
by Inkie 4 Replies latest jw friends
I knew him before 1996, don't know where he is now. He is originally from Wisconsin and last I knew his son had been at Bethel but is married and in Florida, I think. Did he ever play the accordian?
No, never played the accordian for us that I know of. Now that you mention it, if my memory serves me correctly, I think it was mentioned. But, no, he never played it. I understand that I really pissed him off when I asked too many questions of him and the body of elders back in 1996.
I knew him back in the mid 1980s... havent heard anything since..
Snakes (Rich )
knock knock
Never knew of the man but the name and title do have a nice little ring to them. Like a sitcom title perhaps. Or a "thought crime drama". THOUGHT SWAT.