avengers, is it really important whether it was needed to join the UN to access the library or not?
What I have seen from the WBTS is that the UN is the "disgusting thing". To me....to have any sort of affiliation with them, by their own words is wrong. Does it matter why?
By their association with the UN is a blatant disregard for their own thought as printed in the Watchtower or even the Awake for that matter.
They encourage sticking by Bible principles even if it means death. How many times have you read in the YearBook them praising those who have lost their lives due to their faith in God and standing rightous even in the face of death due to their faith? How can they, in faith, state that to become affiliated in ANY way to something that they have proclaimed to be a direct "rebellion to God" be ok?
To me it doesn't matter why they did it. For me......they have compromised where others have not......just to be able to access a library that is open to all. If someone (up to the 9/11 incident) wanted to go through a process of applying for and getting access to the library, they could do so.
It seems to me.....accessing a library is a minute detail. It was not a matter of life or death. Compromising in the fear of death without a blood transfusion does not, in my opinion, compare to what the WTBTS has done. To access a library does not fill a persons mind with fear of death.
IMO, to accept blood in the face of death is much better than accepting an affiliation with "the disgusting thing" that is in "rebellion to Jehovah".