Before the Solstice Playing "The Golden Age" LIVE

by Clint Bussey 6 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Clint Bussey
  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt

    Clint, I enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  • StoneWall

    Clint that was AWESOME!

    Do you have any more vid's of you guys playing live? If so care to put up a few more links to them.

    Oh and by the way I've enjoyed following your videos of the last few years memorials at the kingdom hall.

    You're going to give those Elder's a heart attack trying to figure out what to do with you. LOL

    From one Jawja(Georgia) boy to another Jawja, keep up the good work both in your music and in showing people that there is life after leaving the WT Org.



  • Clint Bussey
    Clint Bussey

    @LeavingWT Thanks for making it clickable. How do you do that? Oh and about the song, Thanks you! I am Glad you liked it.

  • Clint Bussey
    Clint Bussey

    @Stonewall. Thank you! You are a jawja boy? Where do you live? The congregations and people that I contacted have been affected in a large way. Some have awakened to what is going on. Others have talked to me for extended periods of times, and yet still others who are df'd or whatever have taken a stand themselves. Many more however, like you said, are terrified, and talking up a storm. Much controversy! At least they are talking about stuff.

  • leavingwt

    I noticed a new version on Clint's YouTube page.

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