Is this site important?

by sleepy 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    A lot of us come here on a regular basis.I like to read what's going on most days.Mostly now to make sure I havent missed some important news , less and less to learn more of the corrupt teachings of the org.
    But at one time it was a revelation to meet people who felt like me , maybe now I take it for granted.
    So how important is this site , has it directly effected your life and is it vital that sites like this ,where people can disscuss issues carry on in existance?

  • JBean

    I know a few have recently left this board and others have complained about it randomly for various reasons. But I have to say that this board is VERY important to me. Even though I don't post as frequently as I'd like (either because I'm so busy that it takes all my time just to read as many posts as I can... or else some of the posts don't really interested me...)--- I need to visit this site to keep being encouraged, believe it or not. There is no one else and no where else at this point in time where I feel comfortable voicing my concerns and hearing about the situations of others that touch me. So, yes, this board is VERY important. Thanks to Simon and all the others who are regulars and keep us informed on all sorts of important stuff! : )

  • RunningMan

    Yes, this site is very important.

    It is refreshing and encouraging to know that we are not alone. Yeah, we disagree and bicker a lot, but that's all part of the beauty of freedom.

    We shouldn't be discouraged by people leaving. People will come and go. For most, this site serves a purpose in their lives. Once it is fulfilled, they may move on. So, in many ways, leaving the site is as necessary a phase of their growth as coming here was.

    This site plays a specific role in the development of those who are leaving JW's. There will always be turnover.

  • HesterPryne

    This site is very important IMHO.
    I am mainly a lurker here. It has been a great comfort to me in my struggle with JW issues over the past 1 1/2 years. I da'd myself in 1982. Everything was cool then in June of 2000 I was officially shunned by my family.All of the years in between I hadn't given much thought to JW's. Then suddenly it was in my face. I hadn't actually listened at any meetings since I was about 10 years old, so bascically I didn't know Jack about the JW's. I knew all the horror stories but none of the actual doctrine of the borganization.
    This site provided me with a lot of information and links to sites that really helped me through a rough time. Not to mention how it makes a person feel to know there are so many ex's out there and so many similar stories.
    I lurk here less frequently than I did at first. I have adjusted to shunning for the most part. I admit I do have my days and I'm glad this site is here for me to 'haunt'.

    My gratitude to Simon for maintaining this site....while I'm at it I'll just thank him for all us lurkers. ~HP~

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