We are incapable of grasping stories that do not follow rational sequence of cause and effect. One such typical example is book of Job:
1) It presents a God who tries to please His adversary at the cost of great suffering to His beloved ones.
2) God cannot have an adversary as no one can qualify to be an adversary of the Almighty.
3) Satan is obviously the creation of the faulty human imagination (of the time when humans believed the shape of earth was flat that prompted Satan to take Jesus to the top of the mountain so that “all the kingdoms of the world could be visible to him and Jesus.”)
4) God is supposedly asking: “Now take seven bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and sacrifice a burnt offering for yourselves” (Job 42:8)—something God Himself says He will never ask anyone to do (Isaiah 66:3).
Yet the only good we find in the book of Job is that Job knows how to deal with absurdities of life. He told his wife: ‘We do not seek explanation for the good things life gives to us. So should be the case when we receive the unpleasant.’ (Job 2:10)