If you spent any time at all the the "spoof" you have heard this phrase a million times.
What does it mean to the average JW, though, as interpreted by the WBTS? Looking at the situation objectively, one would have to conclude that they are merely hiding behind this scripture in an effort to dodge their responsibilities as citizens of their respective country.
First of all, JWs claim this scripture as part of the reason they remain politically neutral. Are they, however, REALLY politically neutral?
In order to be neutral, which is defined by http://www.dictionary.com as
neu·tral (ntrl, ny-)they would neither solicit nor accept any of the benefits of this worldly system of things, satanic as it is.
Not aligned with, supporting, or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest.
Belonging to neither side in a controversy: on neutral ground.
Belonging to neither kind; not one thing or the other.
Sexless; neuter.
However, JWs frequently take advantage of social programs that are available to the needy of their country. Many, if not all of us, know a person in their congregation who was using public assistance i.e., welfare, to support their lifestyle of laziness. Some have even managed to fleece the system well enough to pioneer on resources available to the needy in their community. And they have felt no guilt about it, defending by saying the are 'using this world.'
Is this not receiving a benefit of one of the sides of the "Grandest conflict in history?" Is this not the JW sense of 'using this world?' How can this qualify a JW as politically neutral when they are the recipients of this Satanic world?
And yet, they will invoke the second part of that scripture ('but not to the full') as the sole reason for their civic laziness. Volunteering time and effort to assist the less fortunate could hardly qualify as 'using this world.'
Defending their lack of civic involvement by saying they are NO PART OF THIS WORLD is really just a poor from of subterfuge in an effort to hide their apathy about the lives of the other 99% of this earth's inhabitants.
Saying they do the most important social work of all by preaching God's word is hardly following the example set by their professed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Refusing to volunteer time, effort or money to any social cause other than the mass printing of non-important works authored by "Anonymous" is just plain selfish.
Having spent decades maligning Catholic converts as "Rice Christians," they seem to have conveniently forgotten that Jesus fed the hungry although he knew for a certainty they weren't interested in hearing his message.
It appears that, indeed, JWs have perfected the art of "Using this world but not to the full." At least, that's a convenient cover for the biggest bunch of lazy, apathetic assholes ever to wear the cloak of "Christianity."