Do you know of any cases where having a no blood card worked?

by highdose 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • highdose

    We were always told to imagine a senario where the paramedics would find our no blood card and cry " thank god! we almost gave her a blood transfusion!"

    Thing is: when i worked in emergency medicine we were always stricted told never ever go rifiling through the patients pockets/handbag/ wallet!

    Dos the blood card work? Dos it speak when the JW's can't?


    Another thing i heard, which i never really belived is that when hospital staff have a unconcious JW they quickly pump a couple of pints of blood into them " just to get back at them!"

  • MsDucky

    When I was working, I'm a RN. It worked every time. We'd put a NO BLOOD band on their arm, and a NO BLOOD sticker on their charts, and MARS.

  • MsDucky
    We were always told to imagine a senario where the paramedics would find our no blood card and cry " thank god! we almost gave her a blood transfusion!"
    Thing is: when i worked in emergency medicine we were always stricted told never ever go rifiling through the patients pockets/handbag/ wallet!
    Dos the blood card work? Dos it speak when the JW's can't?

    I can't imagine a hospital that won't go rifling through a wallet or purse looking for ID and insurance.

  • Soldier77

    I was an EMT and if they were alone we would look for medical bracelets, necklace and ID in their wallet. If a medical directive was tucked away and not visible we really didn't search for one. We got the ID any type of contact info for next of kin etc and load a go.

  • JWoods

    I would think that it might more likely serve as kind of added proof if non-related witness elders came in and asked to not use blood when you were unconscious.

    Hard for me to imagine a case where nobody else was present, patient was out cold, and the paramedics found the card, denied blood, and the JW righteously died as the society intended.

    I would not want to be that doctor.

  • Rabbit

    My JW mom'sNo Blood Cardworked very efficiently. It killed her.

    She wasn't found unconscious, she had cancer. The Watchtower, INC. demands, in God's name, that thousands of his faithful...slowly smother to death.

    SO, we all went to watch. The JW's were relieved when she passed away -- faithful.

  • blondie

    Medical facilities before administering treatment look for documents directing the wishes of the patient. Blood transfusions are not the only issue. Several non-jws I know have directions that they not be resuscitated (DNR), medicines they might be allergic to, bracelets identifying any medical conditions they have they would be dangerous for certain medications and procedures to be administered.

    I know of two jws who were in serious car accidents and the hospital personnel followed their directives not to have blood (of course it might be different if a child is involved).


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