July 4th is my Birth Date...and no matter what I say, they insist on lighting off fireworks and throwing a parade ! LOL
As a kid it was always pretty depressing to have two things going on in one day that I couldn't participate in. We just peeked out the window at all the neighbors having fun lighting off fireworks and having their friends over.
Last year was a milestone birth date for me and the people I work with threw me a surprise party. They had seen my date of birth on my personnel info I guess. Anyway I got a call saying I was needed on the 27th floor in the penthouse. I kept thinking of all the worst case scenarios...laid off, fired etc. Anyway I opened the door and everyone yelled surprise, cameras were flashing and the whole place was decorated. I kept thinking how crazy it would have been if all these people knew that this was the first birthday party I had ever had or had even attended. I know I probably looked really awkward but they probably thought it was just because I was surprised. I didn't know exactly what to do about the cake and candles and opening of gifts or when they sang the happy birthday song. To tell you the truth, the whole thing left me feeling a bit flat. I wished I was with my wife and kids instead.