Phin will be at my house from Sunday, 07/11 til Tuesday, 07/13. If you would like to be interviewed for the documentary, please pm me for details.
Calling all ex and exiting jws in NE Ohio
by jamiebowers 9 Replies latest jw friends
Ahhh man I wish I could. I'm planning on coming back to Ohio but I don't know when yet.
His schedule has changed, and Phin will be in NE Ohio on July 25 to 28.
Noni, aren't you in KY? Are you across the river from Cincinnati? He'll be in that area too.
Jamie do you have to consent to showing your face in the video?
Jamie do you have to consent to showing your face in the video?
I really don't know, but interviews can be done in shadow with a voice changer. Why do you ask?
Juan Viejo2
If it's a voluntary interview and Phin wants to make sure that no one comes back later and says "I was tricked into being filmed, I didn't know what the film was about, and I appeared against my will," then there is a way that he can protect everyone involved - especially himself.
Before each interview starts, Phin should have the volunteer stand up, hold up his or her driver's license so that it can be read by the camera. The interviewee should then read from a prepared statement or state in his or her own words:
"My name is X X. I am XX years old. I am voluntarily appearing in this video which I understand will be used in whole or in part for a documentary that is intended to be shown publicly. I agree under the following conditions:
My face and profile (may / may not) be shown
My name (may / may not) be used to identify me.
My location (may /may not) be disclosed.
My voice may be used in a (natural state / only in a modified state)."
Leave this segment on the original, unedited version of the tape. It does not have to appear on the edited version, nor should it.
This way, if someone has a change of heart after the film has been edited and distributed, they can't come back and suddenly demand that their scenes or verbiage be deleted - or demand money, if none was promised.
Takes less than 5 minutes to add this little scene to the front end of each interview tape. If the person refuses to allow this to be added to the tape, then Phin might want to walk away from the interview.
This is a modified version of what is typically used before pornographers film a video or film. This way they can prove later that they were convinced that the actors were over 18, were aware that they were being filmed, and were aware that they were involved in a pornographic enterprise.
Having a written (model/actor/interviewee) release would also be a good idea, just as additional insurance, for anyone who appears in the video like family members, people passing through the background. Anyone who is identifiable who does not sign a release or do a video release, should have their faces and other identifiable markings (T-shirt, car license) blurred.
I am not a lawyer, but I did assist a professional photographer several years ago on a few projects (I basically carried his tripods and bags, and acted as a preshot stand-in so that he could set his lighting). He always carried a huge pad of releases with him and made everyone sign and date one if he thought they were identifiable in any shot. Now with Photoshop you can blur or delete someone in the background, but with film and video it is a little more difficult.
The photographer told me that the two fastest ways for a photographer to go broke was (1) to have an airline lose his camera equipment on an overseas assignment - and (2) to forget to get a modeling release from some hot chick who turns out to be underaged.
"I really don't know, but interviews can be done in shadow with a voice changer. Why do you ask?"
Because I don't mind telling my story but putting my face and name out there could cause me alot of problems. Of course I don't know that my story is that interesting so.
Juan, I'll let Phin know your suggestions.
Serenity, everyone's story is interesting. Please send your location to [email protected] .
No Jamie I'm in west Kentucky in Paducah. Across the Ohio River from Illinois. If he is coming by there tell him to let me know. I'm on all the boards.
Just got wind of this thread. Juan I have 150 documents printed out to be signed by anyone doing an interview. They are fairly simply and just state that they agree to be a part of the documentary.
I do appreciate the concern over legal matters. I certainly hope to not have any legal issues with this documentary but at the same time I am wise enough to have myself covered with documentation of agreement :D
The idea of having them verbally state there agreement on camera is good as well. I'll keep the suggestion in mind.
I just finished working a 12 hour shift at the hospital, I'll look over this thread in more detail later this afternoon.